Other Side

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I'm running as fast as I can. I almost trip over my feet doing so. My gut is going against me on this, but my mind is saying something else. It's encouraging me to run. And I do.

The doors swing open quickly as I flee inside the pack house. I find my way up to my room, not caring if I woke anyone up. I haul ass and shut the door to my room. The loud locking of the door surely woke some packs members, if they weren't awake right now. After
that howl, how can someone even still be asleep?

My heart is racing and my eyes haven't changed color. I feel them glaze over and sharpen their senses, only telling me that they're flickering. My nails are back to normal, and my gums no longer burn. A pounding headache forms, my brain thudding against my poor skull.

What just happened?

Another howl bursts and I stiffen at the sound. My stomach churning and my hairs pointed on high alert. My heartbeat never fluctuating from its fast beat. I look at the moon from my window and shiver instantly. This isn't even a full moon...

So what possibly is getting Nikolai like this? I know damn well it's him. That howl is that same howl I heard the night of my so called wedding. I can't ever forget it. How can I? I never heard anything like it, and it honestly scares me. I thought I've seen and heard it all. With the missions I used to take for my father, I hunted down mostly ever known monster in the book. Not one of their screeches or animalistic growls could put me on edge. Nikolai can.

Why is that?
The longer I stay here the more these questions seem to pile up. That's something I don't like. The last thing I want to be is clueless. No one likes to be kept in the dark about things, because the feeling of not knowing is where fear comes from.


That word that I hate but now has proven to get into my system.

Ethea Maine, isn't so tough now. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. I'm turning soft. Half of me likes that, the other annoyingly alpha part doesn't. Being from Alpha Bloodline only puffs up my wolf's ego, and to see it get damage even the slightest puts her and me in an uncomfortable situation. The feeling of weakness is something that I for one hate, but the human part of me has to experience at some point. Half-Human, Half-Wolf. That's the way we creatures work.

I sit down, my back skidding against the door as I do so. The carpet greets me as I place my palms on it. The single tear I had shed outside is the only thing staining my face at the moment. My hair is probably a mess, but I can't really complain can I?

I can hear shuffling from the other side of the door. I stiffen at the sound. It's him. I can sense him. In the pit of my stomach, an unfamiliar feeling rose. Each step seemed to get heavier and heavier as he neared my door. He might not even be coming to me, I mentally think to myself. Shh, my wolf chastises as if I had said the comment out loud.

In any other situation I would have argued with her, but I kept my mouth shut. This is not the time for a debate. The sound of his footsteps echoed throughout the hallway. As he grew closer, the feeling of dread lingered by. The feeling of just something bad followed quickly behind him. Bad.




Was all I heard. Then his loud stomps suddenly stop. That's when I realize, he's right in front of my door. My sharp intake of breath can be heard as I hear him step closer and closer to the door.

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