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"You conniving little mutt," she screams at me ferociously. Her eyes changed color and her claws start to grow. I smirk at her attempt to scare me. I thought I've been through enough today, but apparently not. Though I know the consequences of fighting with her again are dangerous, I seem to just go with the flow. Maybe I can also use this event to practice my anger issues ya know?

Let's give it a try.

"Conniving is such a strong word deary, how bout...schemey?," I force a smile, combating her words with sass. And still...I don't change my way of You'd think I would've matured enough by now, I think not. Damn...this whole controlling my anger thing is really hard. Seriously...I need to get a grip. I have to learn, or else I will get no where around this pack...God knows how long I have to stay here...

"And mutt? Really? The word is so overused nowadays," I comment earning a huff from her. Wow...I must sound like such a sassy bitch...I guess I can't help it. After all, she started it. I really wish these people would stop pushing my buttons. I'd like to think I was nice...once upon a time but they just keep ripping my chances from showing the un-tempered part of me.

"You vermin!," she growls, "No one even wants you here, I'll make your stay here end right now!"

"And how are you going to do that?," I challenge.

She picks up the closest object nearest to her. With my luck I should have seen it coming because the thing she's holding is a knife. And not just any knife...a silver knife.


20 minutes earlier...

"GAHHHH!" I yell while clenching my fist tight with anger.

Right when I thought things couldn't get more worse...

As soon as we got to the pack house {still in wolf form may I add} he threw me into the guest room that I woke up in and locked me in. Trust me if I could break the door down, I would've done it by now. I don't know how, but something is telling me not to even touch the door or else something really bad will happen. Call it a natural instinct.

I seriously need control this so called "fated relationship". I can barely hold myself can I hold a relationship together...

I was pacing around the room, naked. After Nikolai threw me in here, I shifted back and was laying on the ground in the nude. Might I add, there isn't a piece of clothing in the goddamn room. As a matter a fact, it's getting chilly.

I walk towards the bathroom and search for a towel. Anything to cover myself up.

I look around at the bathroom from the tiled floor to the white colored ceiling.

"Nothing...," I quietly mumble to myself as I step out of the bathroom, disappointed. Guess they don't get that many visitors seeing as everything in this room is bare. But then again, who is stupid to voluntarily come on Saint Pack grounds. To my defense I was taken here, so don't mark me down as stupid.

I'm back in the main room pacing...

"Got it," I comment while snapping my finger. I walk over to the bed and take off the covers. I then begin to wrap myself in the blanket and knot it together. There! Problem fixed. more important issues...

I begin to mumble silent curses. I sat on the bed and looked up to the ceiling. This is a lot more complicated than it seems...but somehow I got myself into this situation and now I have to be the one to fix it. I wish you were just a Beta, to make things simpler. Of course it isn't rare for an Alpha to be mated to someone with Alpha blood but in my makes things a whole lot different...

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