Ask Miyako 1

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Hey guys! Dian here! Anyways, I am bored and I didn't feel like writing a new chapter. Also, the otome games I am currently playing can't be played currently due to me needing to wait for several hours for one story ticket in order to continue to story. (Ugh)

Anyways, I decided to do something that is much more fun. Knowing you...and I, can learn more about my of, MIYAKO MICHIKO KAWASAKI/HASHIMOTO!!!! Yay. You guys can ask her anything, either in this book or when checking out my account. Just please don't ask in other books. Anyways, the questions asked here are by me. I feel like these questions may give you a little more about her but you can ask yours. Just...don't... make it dirty. Let's goooooo.
Author-san:Hello there Miyako!

Miyako Michiko: just call me Miya.

Author-san: Okay. So I have a few questions for you that I want you to answer. Is it okay?

Miya: um...yeah. okay.

Author: Okay. The first one, describe yourself. What you think you are.

Miya: For me, I think that I am a VERY sarcastic person. I also feel like I am a mischievous person due to the fact that I am passive aggressive. I find that I tend to act like a know-it-all. I am really a straightforward person. I don't really know people's limits sometimes and I may need to be told to stop sometimes.

Author-san: Okay, next question, compared to other diabolik lovers crack of craziness, what do you think about your 'craziness' and humour?

Miya: I feel like many people wouldn't call my humour...funny at all. I don't go around screaming, talking random things. I wish I was able to, but I can't. But my opinions and jokes is usually, very unusual yet the way I present them would make them seem like what a normal person would think. Many people would be raising their eyebrows when reading my "jokes" because they are not funny. But they are more on the logical humour. And also since I  tend to act ...sane... instead of joking around because on the way I was raised too.

Author-san: Okay, now, can you describe your life after your father passing?

Miya: well, I rarely saw my mom due to the fact that she would just send me to school early in the morning and she would come home late at night. It was sad but back then, I was able to handle it due to the fact I had my other siblings. Since my mom was rarely home for 2 months, my elder sister, Kayla, created the 'Kawasaki Rule Book'. It contained many rules and the consequences if anyone did what the book said not to or if someone didn't do what the book said to do. Like for example, in page 134, you have to eat all your vegetables and at least eat 4/5 of your food on your plate. If not, you will have to eat a whole big bowl of vegetables. Just plain ones.

Author-san: Okay, now, last question, is there anything going on between you and Subaru?

Miya: What?! No! The most I'd that we are probably slowly creating a new friendship. I mean, I d-dont mind if people ship us together but t-there's nothing else going on between us. >////<

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