Special Chapter!

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Ahhhh I forgot to go onto my Wattpad app for a while! >_<

I have been busy with anime, exams and stuff so I was pretty much filled. Now that my exams are over, I can continue writing!

I did promise you guys a special chapter so here it is! It's going to be Halloween based even though I don't celebrate Halloween, some of you readers do!


I was skipping down the stairs of the Sakamaki home, a white plastic bag with the logo of the local dvd rent store in my arms. Since it was going to be Halloween, I decided that I should be in the mood.

Sadly, the household don't celebrate Halloween. No wonder their current lives are so boring.

I had left my laptop in the living room to grab the DVDs. Did you know that the living room is the only place in the entire mansion to have fast wifi connection? I only found that out recently when I was walking around the mansion watching BTS's music videos hehe.

I quickly made myself comfortable and inserted the disk into the laptop, pressing some keys on the keyboard, arms shaking in excitement. Or was it nervousness.

To be honest, I have always been afraid of horror movies. Whenever a scary scene pops out on the screen, I'm usually the first one out of the door. This time, however, would be different. I'm older now. I'm considered to be a young adult now. Young adults should not be afraid of some silly horror movies.

As the dark music started playing through my headphones, I felt someone sitting behind me.

"Eh? A horror movie?"

I paused the movie, turned around and nodded my head.

"I feel that I should get into the mood of Halloween. It's been a while since I actually thought of Halloween and I'm too old to go trick-or-treating now sadly," I said as I untangled the headphone cord.

Yui nodded her head as she sat down on the floor beside me.

"So you're not afraid of horror movies, Miya-Chan?" She asked as I continued playing the movie.

I shook my head. "I'm hoping to conquer this obstacle. I mean, young adults shouldn't be afraid of watching horror movies after all."

I could feel Yui staring at me before looking back at the movie. " I don't necessarily think it is wrong to be afraid of certain things, regardless of age. But, you seem pretty determined to overcome your fear, so I will cheer you on."

~later that day~

I was walking down the Long hallway of the mansion. Apparently it started raining halfway through the movie and it hasn't stopped yet. I paused for a moment to look Out the large windows.

"The sky must be extra sad today," I mumbled, before continuing my journey.

All of the sudden, I heard a squeak. I paused and held my breath. I felt my heart beating fast. Suddenly, flashbacks of the movie flashed in my head.

I slowly turned my head and saw no one behind me. I heaved out a sigh of relief until I felt a gust of cold wind blowing against me. I stiffened up. Must be the wind. Must be the wind.

Then, another squeak. After that second squeak, that was when I broke into a desperate run. I ran down the hallway as fast I could, afraid to look behind. Images of ghosts and monsters popped in my head.

I saw the door to Yui's room and quickly open the door.


Ayato and Yui were on the bed together. They weren't doing anything dirty. They were just... sitting there. I quickly shut the door and brisk walk my way to Yui.

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