Chapter 8

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Elena's POV


I yell with shock.

I run over to my dead brother?

His only reaction is awkwardly staring at Damon.

I stood there, my body paralyzed my heart beating fast, it felt as if there was a chunk of life missing from my heart.

"So we better get going, you have your first cheer competition".

Damon says to break the silence as he puts his large hands on my back.

"Ok, it's not like I just woke up from the dead or anything"

Jeremy says with an angry expression as he stomps upstairs.

Damon and I hop in the car and Damon drives.

"Bye Damon"

I say as he kisses my forehead and let's go of my shaky hands.

"Elena! There you are, were up in 15 minutes" Caroline yells.

"Ok just let me- freshen up"

I say with a smirk as I walk outside.

I open one of the buses, inside was a tall, blonde

"what are you doing in here"

she yells. I go up to her face and say

"don't scream"

I sink my teeth into her neck and don't stop. Suddenly Damon opens the bus door and tries to pull me away

"ok, ok I just need her ribbon"

I say as I pull her ribbon off and say

"You don't remember me, now go"

With a smirk. Damon leads me inside and says "I'm staying here" He says as he slips his hands around my back.

Inside Caroline comes up to me and screams "what the hell, where were you and why are you wearing a blue ribbon our colors are red!?" as she yanks the bow out of my hair.

During our routine I was holding someone up for the pyramid and "accidentally" dropped her.

While everyone runs over to see if she was ok I amble out of the building and hop in the car.

Damon starts the car and we drove home.

Eternal Love// Delena♡Where stories live. Discover now