Chapter 11

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Damon's POV

As I pitifully pick up my brother and throw him over my back Katie just stands there with a pathetic smile.

"What are you doing?"

She asks confused,

"he's a trader"

"a weak one to tell you the truth"

she mutters under breath.

"He's my brother" 

I yell. To my surprise Stefan was still knocked out through all of the ruckus. I start ambling towards the exit when Katie starts running after me

"where are you going?"

she desperately whimpers

"home, ill come back"

I lie. As soon as I find the exit i zip off. As I start the engine to my electric blue mustang Stefan wakes up

"what the hell" he yawns as he sits up

"your safe now little brother".

Stefan's POV

As Damon and I pitifully were trying to leave the warehouse he tells me how he messed around with some Irish witch

(a very powerful witch)

when all of the sudden my neck snapped. I wake up lying down in Damon's back seat.

"Your safe now little brother"

he says with an annoying smirk. He knows i hate it when he calls me that he's only 4 years older than me.


I say confused.

"I lied"

he smirks

"that's what you do best"

I laugh he gives me a cold glare and keeps driving. All of the sudden his phone rings


he chirps,

"Hey babe. I'll be home in 10"

"Okay, love you".

"You really love her-huh?"

I interrupt, he hangs up and slightly turns his head right


he says certain.

"You think I don't?"

"because I do love her, I didn't steal her from you"

"she chose me"

He says

"I believe you"

I reply. After that the whole ride was silent until we got home.

He practically jumps out of the car when we get to the Salvatore mansion, I walk inside to see Damon and Elena kissing, I awkwardly slide pass them and go into the kitchen.

I enter the kitchen and see Caroline staring off into the distance

"How's Bonnie?"

I ask sincerely,

"why would you care?"

she snaps back

"Why wouldn't I?"

I ask

"You practically forced her to waste her magic on saving you and Damon's ass"

She replies,

"Seriously Stefan?"

She continues

"sorry I just needed to get put of that place"

I answer

"well you did"

she yells.

"I'm leaving I can't talk about this right now"

she yells as she exits the house. I sigh as I drag my tired feet upstairs. I open my door and fall into my bed.

At some point in the middle of the night I find myself unable to fall asleep, when suddenly I hear screaming but I couldn't move i felt as if I was paralyzed.

Elena's POV

That night i walked upstairs into Damon's room. I tiredly fell into his bed and pulled off off my black leggings and my plaid shirt.

A few minutes later i hear Damon come try to tip toe not to wake me.

"Shit, did i wake you?"

he says as he notices me turn,


I answer, suddenly i hear the front door slam open

"wait here"

he says, disobeying his orders i sneak out of bed and quietly follow him


Damon screams as he notices me following him, before I could even answer i felt a sharp, wooden dagger stab me through my beating heart


"what is it"

Damon says not knowing what happened

"I love you"

I manage to say before I flop to the cold, bare floor.

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