The Street Musician

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Summary: Phil always goes to see Dan Howell, street musician at the same place at the same time.

Trigger Warnings: None just a bit of fluff and sweet stuff about them meeting and Phil being an admirer :)

It was a brisk autumn day in London. The brown and orange leaves, drifting down the street and into drains. The cold, brisk wind hitting your face and making your nose red. The whole world seemed to be dying. But in a good way. You knew there would be rebirth in Spring.

As Phil Lester walked down a main street of his city, he thought about all of this. He loved Winter but Autumn had its own beauty to it. It was like a preparation for Winter that he loved so dearly. Phil loved taking walks in autumn and watching the leaves fall. But there was also something else.

A street performer would always come out during this time of day. He had just started recently, but Phil knew he had been playing for a very long time. There was a piano that was always against the wall of a bleak gray building. A young teenager would always come out at exactly 5:00 in the afternoon Fridays and Sundays. He would perform for 45 minutes each time. Phil always looked forward to it and he would attend every performance he could.

The teenager had straight dark brown hair and chocolate colored eyes. He had soft features and Phil noticed little things about him. The way he got this dreamy look in his eyes, like he wasn't quite there when he played. The way he would genuinely smile after every performance and his dimples would make an appearance.

Phil blushed. He was like a school girl fantasizing over her crush. Still, it was always a relaxing experience after the ruckus of university to hear some soft piano music from the street musician. Him and the boy had grown used to each other's company after a while. It was a tradition that Phil would wait by the piano. The boy would always walk up and sit at the piano, smiling at Phil. Then he would play.

Always calm tunes. And Phil would listen and watch as the boy glided his fingers over the keys easily and with a certain beauty to it.

Phil approached the piano with a certain excitement as he usually did. He leaned against the building next to the piano and watched the clouds drift by. He heard footsteps coming near and he saw the boy walk up smiling. But he didn't sit down right away.

"Uh- hi..." the boy said softly. Phil smiled at him, finally hearing his voice.

"Hello." The boy brightened up at the response. "I'm Phil. What's your name?"

"Dan. Dan Howell. I just...You always come to listen to me play and...I wanted to find out who you are and maybe become your friend." Phil widened his eyes. Dan blushed immediately. "I mean if you want to! You don't have to! I'm just a guy on the street that plays music!" Phil laughed and Dan looked surprised.

"Of course I'll be your friend! I was just shocked you'd wanna be friends with a weird looking guy like me! But I'd like to be friends with you."

"Okay then..." Dan seemed a little happier after the conversation. He didn't slump in his chair as much and he was smiling with his eyes. Phil watched him set out a small cup for any money people wanted to give him. Usually someone would come by and place in a few coins or dollars.

Dan began to play. He never sang along to the songs he played. Most had no lyrics but some could be sung to. Phil never sang, he just listened. This time Dan had chosen to play "This is Gospel" by Panic! at the Disco, one of Phil's favorites to hear.

His fingers moved along the keys, years of experience showing through as he played each note. Phil relished the sound and he felt at peace with himself as Dan played.

Far too soon, Dan played the final notes of the song and smiled when he played the final note. "I know I play it often, but I really like it." He said.

"Panic! at the Disco is one of my favorite bands!" Phil quickly said and Dan immediately looked up in surprise.

"Really? Same here!" Suddenly Dan got a mischievous look in his eye.

"What are you-" Phil was cut off by Dan as he played a g note. Phil took a shaky breath. "Dan..." Dan laughed and Phil took a moment to relish the sound. He had made Dan laugh for the first time and Phil found himself wanting to do it more.

"I know, I'm evil. But I had to test if you were a true emo." Dan said causing Phil to giggle.

"Well Dan, now you know. I'm..." Phil faked a look of pain and looked into Dan's eyes. "I'm an...emo." Dan snorted through his nose and did another laugh that made Phil feel triumphant.

"You know Phil I'm glad I decided to talk to you. You're a cool person." Dan said, standing from his piano. "I'm gonna quit early today. Perhaps we can go for a cup of coffee sometime?" Phil smiled, feeling like he could fly right then and there.

"I'd love to. What's your number?" Phil took out his phone and Dan placed his number in. "Thanks! I'll be sure to text you tonight." Dan smiled.

"I look forward to it." Dan grabbed his little cup that had ten dollars in it. He waved to Phil before walking from the piano and smiling.

Phil turned around, smiling like a maniac, and began the journey to his apartment.

Well there we have it folks! My first one shot on this story. I hope I did okay!

Comments are appreciated! Thanks for reading!


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