Gardenias For A Special Girl

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Tsukishima x Reader (Requested by Anime_Sydney)

You were the owner of a local flower shop. You had only opened a few months after getting out of college. Business was fair and you sold a good amount of flowers everyday, but sometimes the work day was slow. But every morning one person would walk in, buy some flowers, speak to you as he paid for the flowers, then leave without another word. 

The first morning he had walked in, he seemed surprised when he saw you behind the counter arranging some flowers. When you glanced over to see who had come in your eyes widened in shock when you saw him. "Tsukishima?" You spoke, assuring it was him. 

The blonde curtly nodded his head and walked over to the counter, glancing around at all the flowers. Nervously, he rubbed the back of his neck and asked, "Um.. what flower do you recommend?" 

"Huh?" You gave him a confused look. 

"Like which flower should I buy? I want to give them to y-" He paused, blushing, "... uhh.. a special girl." 

"Oh," Your face fell, but then you smiled, "Well my favorites are the gardenias, they're so pretty and smell nice, so I have no doubt your special lady will like them." 

"Those sound nice, would you mind finding them for me?" He asked a slight blush still present on his face. 

"Of course! They're right over here," You chimed, walking around the counter and off to gardenias.

About a minute later you returned with a bouquet of gardenias. Holding them out to Tsukishima, you smiled and asked, "Is this what you were looking for?" 

Unable to form words, Tsukishima nodded his head slowly, trying to hush the thoughts about how adorable you looked. But he couldn't help it when you gave him such a kind smile, even though he had told you the flowers were for another girl.  Snapping back to reality, Tsukishima thanked you for the flowers after paying for them and left without another word. 

After he left, you sighed and plopped down on the stool behind the counter. "A special girl huh? She must be pretty lucky," You mumbled, staring at the gardenia display. 


Later that day, after closing up the shop, you headed home. When you reached your apartment you found a small flower laying on your welcome mat outside your door. Picking up the flower, you realized it was a gardenia. 

"Huh?" You looked at it confused, "Who put this here?" 

Walking into your apartment, you set down your stuff, keeping the flower in your hand. Then you walked off to find a little bowl to fill with water for the flower. After placing the flower in some water, you smiled. It was very nice of whoever left this for you. 


The next day and several after Tsukishima would always walk in a buy a flower or two, not a whole set like the first day, but you didn't care, you were just happy to see him everyday. And everyday, when you returned home a gardenia would be laying there waiting for you to pick it up. 

One morning, three or so months later, Tsukishima walked in, bundled up in a scarf and his winter jacket. He waved to you, getting a "good morning" back from you. For a while he disappeared into the flower displays, while you continued to set up your winter flower arrangements. 

When he emerged from the displays, he was holding a bouquet of gardenias, just like the first day he had come into the store. He slowly walked over to the counter, waiting for you to look up and see him. Once he reached the counter you looked up and said, "Oh! Sorry, just a minute, I only need to put in one more flower." 

Placing the last flower in it's place, you strode over to the cashier and smiled up at the blonde boy. When you noticed how bundled up he was, you giggled a bit, "Must be pretty cold out there today."

Startled a bit, Tsukishima nodded and said, "Yea, it's winter after all." 

"Ah true, good thing this place is so warm," You stated, giving Tsukishima another smile.

He couldn't help but admire the warmth in your (e/c) eyes and sweet smile. "Today will be the day" he thought. 

Finding a small bit of confidence, before leaving the store, Tsukishima turned around just before exiting and said, "Want to grab some coffee after you close up?" 

Your face lit up at the mention and you gladly accepted his offer. "Well see you later then," He said, turning to leave. 

For the rest of the day, you couldn't wait to meet up with Tsukishima. 


Quickly closing up the shop, you pulled on your (f/c) sweater, locking the doors as you left. It wasn't long till you got to the coffee shop. As you entered you looked around for Tsukishima. Smiling when you found him, you walked over and said, "Hey! Sorry if I've kept you waiting."

With a short, "No you're good, " Tsukishima got up and pulled out a chair for you, then helped push you in, like the gentleman he was. You giggled a bit as he did this and gave him a gracious thank you.

Nervously, he sat back down and picked up the flowers he had bought earlier. With a blush creeping up his face, he held the gardenias out toward you. Bewildered, you stared at them and said, "Hmm? But I thought these were for your special girl."   

Averting his eyes, Tsukishima pushed the flowers into your hands and said, "You are the special girl. Haven't you noticed the flowers I've been leaving you?" 

With a sudden realization you exclaimed, "Oh that was you!?"

Looking back at you the blonde clicked his tongue. "Tch, you didn't realize that till just now?" 

You gave him a sheepish smile and laughed. "Hahah, I guess not."

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, but smiled anyway, reaching across the table to hold your hands. "So you'll be my special girl, right?" 

You gave him the sweetest smile, melting his heart, and said, "Of course, I was the special girl all along wasn't I?" 

He chuckled a bit, giving your hands a slight squeeze. "Yea you always were."


A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this, I thought this idea was really cute and so I hope you do too. Anime_Sydney I hope this is what you were looking for and that you like this! Anyway, requests are open as always, so feel free to leave one in the comments! 


Up Next: Yachi

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