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Sugawara x Reader (Female pronouns used)

You were lying on the couch, sulking in the quietness of your house. Your mother was on a business trip and your brothers lived with your dad in Tokyo, so you were the only one left in the house. You had woken up in a slump that day and never even bothered to get dressed, leaving you without a shirt, only in a bra and a pair of athletic shorts.

As you laid on the couch, watching some new episodes of Adventure Time, a knock sounded through the house. With a groan, you rolled of the couch and walked over to the door, forgetting about your lack of clothes. When you opened the door, you were met with a smiling Sugawara. Your face flared up and you attempted to hide your body. "Aha... sorry I wasn't expecting any visitors, let me go throw on a shirt." You said, smiling sheepishly.

Sugawara laughed as he walked in, saying, "Oh, no need for that (Y/N), we've been dating for a while now, no reason to be shy."

His words made you blush more as you shut the door. Sure you two had been dating now for a little over two years, but you were feeling insecure all day. You had a surplus of scars running down your back, that covered every inch of it and you hated every single one of them. They were ugly to you on most days. Though some days you thought you looked pretty bad ass with them, at the moment however you were hating them more than ever.

Sensing your uncomfortableness, Sugawara gave you a sad smile. "Hey, why don't we sit on the couch together?" He suggested, grabbing your hand and pulling you over to the couch.

Sugawara plopped down on the couch and beamed up at you with the brightness of the sun. "Gosh why is he basically an angel?" You thought, sitting down on his lap, then shifting so you sat Indian style.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and you two sat together for a while in a comfortable silence. But as a few minutes passed, you felt even more self conscious than before because Sugawara could see your whole back with you sitting the way you were. You began to squirm a little bit in his grasp and attempted to get up, but Sugawara proved to be much stronger than you were and kept you with him.

"Kōshi, I'm gonna go change clothes, can you let me up real quick?" You asked, turning your head to look back at him.

Sugawara slightly smiled at you and asked, "May I say a few things first?"

You quietly nodded your head and Sugawara's smiled widened. Turned away from his face now, you waited for him to begin speaking. What you didn't expect was to feel a soft kiss pressed to the nape of your neck. "Ah! Kō-chan that tickles," You whined, scrunching up your shoulders.

Sugawara chuckled, then said, "I want you to know I love you (Y/n) and that I love all of you. Every little piece, including all your scars."

"I love this one," He smiled, pressing a small kiss to a scar on your shoulder.

"And I love this one," another kiss on your back.

"And this one," more kisses.

He continued this till he had kissed every single one of your scars and you couldn't stop the warm fuzzy feeling in your chest from growing. Your heart swelled as he proclaimed his love for every piece of you, even those hideous scars you had always hated. Turning around as he kissed the last one, you looked him in the eye and smiled.

Tears threatened to spill from the corners of your eyes because the moment was so sweet and you couldn't imagine having a boyfriend any better than Sugawara. Returning your grin, Sugawara lifted you a bit and turned you to face him, then he placed his hands on your cheeks and used his thumb to wipe away the small tears in your eyes.

"Don't cry my darling," He smiled, running his thumb across your cheek.

You returned a sad smile, then wrapped your arms around his torso and nuzzled your head into his chest. "Thanks Kōshi," You murmured quietly, holding him tightly.

Wrapping his arms around your body, Sugawara grinned, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head. "No need to thank me (Y/n), I'll always love you no matter what," He said quietly.

Looking up at him, you chuckled a bit, feeling much better than you had earlier, and you said, "Well if that's the case, then I'll always love you more."

Sugawara let out a soft laugh filled with all the happiness in the world and quickly retorted, "Well I'll always love you the most."


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Hope y'all like this, I had originally planned for this to be Tsukishima, but I thought Sugawara was more fitting because he is a literal angel unlike the sass master Tsukki. Anyway! Feel free to request, they are open as always!


Up Next: Yamaguchi

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