Pretty Managers

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Yachi x Fem!Reader

Yachi nervously opened the door to the Nekoma gym, hoping that she wouldn't have to interact with any of the Nekoma boys. But as she walked in her breath was taken away by a girl standing in the middle of the gym yelling commands at the Nekoma boys.

"Oi! Get it together guys! Let's huddle up real quick!" You shouted, putting your hands on your hips.

Yachi was shocked when all the boys immediately listened and circled up around you. She could hear you discussing techniques to use in the game and other things of the sort. You seemed to have a vast knowledge of volleyball from Yachi could hear and she couldn't help but listen to that pretty voice of yours.

While she stood there frozen at the door, Kiyoko walked in and laughed a bit when she noticed who Yachi was star struck over. With a giggle, Kiyoko nudged Yachi forward and said, "Ah, that's Nekoma's manager, she's really pretty, a really cool girl too." Kiyoko smiled, "You should talk to her."

Yachi nervously shook her head as they walked over to the benches for Karasuno. "Ahaha... I couldn't do that," Yachi sighed, scratching the back of her head.

Kiyoko just sighed, but laughed lightly. "Well, I have no doubt you'll eventually talk to her, she's quite the people person, very charismatic to say the least."


Kiyoko turned out to be right.

As the game ended with Nekoma winning, you walked over to talk to Karasuno's team while everyone took a break. You bounded over to them with a bright smile and politely greeted them all. "Hey guys! Nice to see you all again!" You chirped, shaking Coach Ukai's and Tadeka's hands.

You chatted for a while with the boys, giving them some tips and telling them how amazed you were with their abilities so far. You had been most surprised by Hinata and Kageyama's quick attack as anyone else would be, so you asked the two of them a good chunk of questions and told them they should keep it up.

After chatting with the boys, you turned to Kiyoko and Yachi. "Ah you must be the new manager!" You exclaimed upon seeing Yachi.

Yachi's face flared up instantly and found it hard to form coherent words. Noticing this you laughed a bit. "Ahah sorry I can be kind of intimidating at first with such a loud voice, but to keep that lot in line I gotta use it," You chuckled, giving Yachi a kind smile.

Yachi's heart stopped as you smiled. A million thoughts raced through her head. "Oh gosh, why were you so beautiful?" She thought.

In a haste to say something to you, Yachi made the mistake of saying the first thing that came to her mind. "YOU'RE REALLY PRETTY!!!!!" Yachi yelled out, instantly covering her mouth afterward.

Everyone turned to look at the commotion. Your face was bright red, along with Yachi's. "Uh... ah.. thank you," You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, "You're really cute too..."

Yachi perked up at your mention. "Ah really!? Thank you!"

With a burst of confidence, you blurted out, "Want to go out sometime?"

Nodding her head, Yachi gave you a big smile. At that point you couldn't stop a grin from spreading across your face.

From else where in the gym, both teams snickered at the exchange between their managers. Kuroo and Sawamura, who were standing next to each other, smiled. "Ohoho, what's this?" Kuroo smirked slyly.

Sawamura chuckled and said, "It seems like our managers are becoming friends."

Kuroo shook his head, laughing, "Oho I doubt that, I think they'll become more than friends."


A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed some cute and nervous Yachi, she's honestly adorable, like who wouldn't want to date her? She's so precious. Anyway, hope you liked this and as always, requests are open! So feel free to leave a request in the comments!


Up Next: Sugawara

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