Shower Madness

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Reader x Oikawa x Iwaizumi??? (*mild language*) 

You had been lying down on your couch reading a book for one of your college classes, when a knock sounded through your apartment. With a groan, you set down your book and rolled off the couch, heading toward the door as you wondered who could possibly be there. To your shock, when you opened the door you saw your neighbor Oikawa Tooru, the boy you've had a crush on for months.

Upon seeing your face, Oikawa gave you a sheepish smile and greeted you with, "Hey (Y/n), can I ask you for a favor?" 

Shrugging your shoulders, you said, "I don't see why not."

Clearly relived, Oikawa let out a breath of air and his face lit up with joy. "Oh thank you (Y/n)!" He exclaimed, making you smile slightly. "If you wouldn't mind, I've got date in an hour, but my shower's broken, so could I possibly use your shower to get ready?" 

At those words, your smile faltered, but somehow you managed to say, "Oh, sure."

"Thanks so much, it means a lot!" He chimed back, happily following you as you showed him where the bathroom was. 

Once the bathroom door was closed, you went back to the living room and sat on the couch, running your hands through your hair as you thought, "fuck, of course he's dating someone." 

With a heavy sigh, you leaned back with your eyes closed and sat there for a moment listening to the running water before leaning over to grab your phone. After unlocking the screen, you pulled up your texts and texted the first person you knew you could complain to about this. 

[Y/N]: Hajime, you've got to help me. I don't know what to do.

[Iwaizumi]: What is it now? 

[Y/N]: Tooru came to my apartment to take a shower and get ready for a date and I'm v upset, help. 

[Iwaizumi]: I s2g. Why the hell is he doing this at your apt? He's got his own place to do that.

[Y/N]: idk, he said his shower broke.

[Iwaizumi]: stupid piece of shit, I just fixed our shower. I'll kick his ass for you when he gets home. 

[Y/N]: thx, I'd appreciate that rn. 

[Iwaizumi]: no problem. for now I'd just ignore him if I were you, it's gotta suck knowing he's going on a date when you like him. 

[Y/N]: oh yea, it sucks big time. I didn't even realize he was dating someone. 

[Iwaizumi]: well they're not anything special, I can tell you that. tbh he'll probably drop them just like the last person.

[Y/N]: god he's such an ass sometimes. he can't keep dropping all these people.

[Iwaizumi]: true, I still don't understand how you like him when you know how he is. 

[Y/N]: idk either tbh. I just do and I hate it sometimes. 

[Iwaizumi]: well, not much to do bout that. want me to come over so we can talk in person and just hang out?

[Y/N]: yea, that'd be nice. 

[Iwaizumi]: ok. be there in a minute.

[Y/N]: mkay, door's unlocked.

Casting aside your phone, you stood up and stretched as you made your way to the kitchen to grab some drinks. While you rummaged around in the fridge to find some soda, Iwaizumi walked into the apartment and called out, "I'm here," as he entered the apartment.

When he sat on the couch, he could hear the water running in your bathroom and he frowned, making you smile as you walked back into the room with two sprites in hand. "I see you've already noticed his presence." You laughed lightheartedly, handing Iwaizumi a drink as you sat beside him. 

"Yea, well lets forget him for a moment and just talk about anything but him," Iwaizumi suggested. 

"Hmm, okay, we can do that," You hummed back, leaning back on the couch. 

With that, your conversation took off and the two of you talked about everything and nothing as Oikawa got ready for his date in your bathroom. Minutes passed as the two of you chatted and you had almost forgotten that Oikawa was even over. 

But, as Iwaizumi told you a joke, Oikawa finally emerged from the bathroom, ready to go until he heard your laughter. For a moment, his heart stopped as the sound made it's way to his ears and a wave of jealousy ran over him when he saw Iwaizumi was the one who was making you laugh. While you giggled, Oikawa walked into the room and put on his best smile as he said, "Oh Iwa-chan I didn't know you were here too!" 

Within an instant, Iwaizumi glared at the setter and spat back, "Well I didn't know you were here either, but it seems to me that you won't be here much longer."

With a 'hmph' Oikawa crossed his arms over his chest and flipped his hair. "I'd watch the tone in your voice Iwa-chan," He glared. "That's no way to speak when (Y/n) is around. But I guess I'll take my leave now since I'm clearly not welcome at the moment."

Moments later, Oikawa was out the door, slamming it as he left, while Iwaizumi was rolling his eyes. "God, he's such a child sometimes." Iwaizumi grumbled, shaking his head as he took a sip of his drink. 

Looking down at your hands as he spoke, you frowned. Noticing this, Iwaizumi looked at you and cocked an eyebrow. "You okay (Y/n)?"

"He didn't even say thank you," you mumbled, clenching your fists. 

At your mention, Iwaizumi's face fell into a scowl. "I'm gonna beat the crap out of him."

Sighing, you dismissed the thought with the wave of your hand. "No, it's whatever, I don't give shit at this point. He's already ruined my night." You admitted, standing up from the couch to get another drink. 

As you left the room, Iwaizumi shook his head. He hated that Oikawa was so ignorant and stupid when it came to anything that didn't concern volleyball. He hated that you didn't see how bad Oikawa was for you. He hated that you didn't see how good he was for you.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for basically never updating, life's been pretty hectic. But regardless of that, I hope you guys like this one shot! I hope it makes sense, this is just kinda what came out when I started typing, so hopefully it's not confusing. Anyway, I want to thank all of you! This series of one shots has made it past 17K reads!!! THAT'S SO MANY! Like WOW! I never expected my dorky writing to get so many reads, so thank you so so so so so much! It really makes my day to see people reading and commenting on this story. I know some of you have made requests and I haven't responded to them, but I promise I'm working on them and I'll try to get them out when I can, but that may take a while, I mean y'know me. But moving on, I seriously want to thank y'all again. You guys really make me happy, so thanks a million. 


***ALSO: PLS READ: Idk if you guys want this, but if you do, I'm thinking of doing a "Get to know the author" chapter, so if you guys want that, ask me any question you have for me and once I get 20 or so of them I'll answer them and make a 'get to know me' chapter! So feel free to comment!****

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