Chapter 1 - First Sight

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Ok, so for the credibility of the story, let's say you're a bit taller than Levi. Sorry to all of you who aren't. Also, I'm going to avoid going into details like hair and skin colour etc, as well as getting called by name. If that does happen I'll use (y/n) and so on.

Hope you enjoy 

( ̄▽ ̄)ノ


I could do with a cold drink right about now, I think as I watch the procession of riders exit the gate.

I sit on the branch of one of the trees dotting the meadows in front the outer wall of the city. The riders are about 50 meters away from me, but I can still make out the wings on their uniforms. The afternoon sun is hot, my mouth is dry.

Screw it, I think and picture my room.

As soon as I think of it, I'm there. I walk over to my 'fridge', which is no more than a big hole in the ground with a large pot in the middle, surrounded my wet sand to keep it cool. From it I take a mug filled with deliciously cold water. I pour some into a cup and teleport back to my spot on the tree, cup in hand.

I take a sip and sigh contentedly. That's better.

The riders are starting to pass under my branch. Curious, I lean forward to get a better look. I wonder what they're doing outside their walls.

They've started to get into some kind of arrow shaped formation. Interesting. It looks like the ones with lighter gear are going to the front. Scouts maybe? Right behind them is a group that looks to be in charge and after them a group bringing wagons, surrounded on all sides by more riders. I snort. Are they going camping or something? They're going to be in trouble if any titans show up. Well, at least they're armed.

So am I, of course. Strapped to my belt is the Kopesh Sword (picture above) my father gave me to protect me from Titans.

The group in charge is passing right below me now. The leader seems to bee a tall blonde guy riding at the front. Riding right behind him are two others.

A younger looking kid with brown hair and large green eyes and a guy with undercut black hair and cold grey eyes. The second guy has a stoic expression and looks annoyed at something. Did I mention he's hot?!

I gasp in admiration of his hotness and he looks up sharply. But I'm already gone. I peek at them from a tree a few meters ahead of them.

"Is something wrong, Levi?" The leader asks.

"It's nothing," says the hottie, "must have imagined it." Levi, huh? I'll remember that.

I shamelessly stalk the group for the next hour or so.

They've passed a few titans so far, but most of them they managed to avoid. Once though, they weren't so lucky. I almost helped them out, but Levi was pretty good with those swords of his. And who'd have thought those big canisters strapped to their hips could be used to fly.

Whoever invented them, I hope he got an award.

Now they're nearing the pine forest. Good. It'll be easier to follow them with the increased cover.

My stomach rumbles and I laugh to myself. I should take a food break.

I teleport to my favourite mango orchard somewhere in eastern India. I think it was once cultivated by people to support the large cities that my grandparents tell me where everywhere before the titans showed up. Now all the trees are growing haphazardly over the valley, weeds covering the soil.

A nearby titan turns its head towards me and starts stomping slowly towards me, grinning creepily. I ignore it, instead reaching up to grab a juicy looking mango.

Mouth watering, I teleport back to the tree I left to see the group has moved on further.

I quickly catch up. Taking my utility knife from the belt, I peel open the mango and greedily consume it. *Sigh* so good.

Happily munching my mango, I do some more stalking.

It's soon dark and the group sets up camp in the trees, leaving the horses on the ground for the night.

Wow, they really are camping here. That's pretty dumb, camping out in the open with titans nearby, even if they are out of their reach, said the mean voice in my head.

Well, maybe if they could teleport like you, they wouldn't, said my reasonable side.

Not caring who was right, I told both voices to shut up. I wanted to get a closer look at that guy called Levi. But first, I should kill the titans nearby, just in case they decided to come this way.

Apart from appearing wherever I wanted, I could also add velocity to myself without changing position. I could do this by teleporting to the spot I was standing on, but adding velocity.

That's what I did to the first titan I found, appearing in front of it, then accelerating around it, until I could see the nape of its neck. Without wasting any time, I drew my sword and teleported directly to its weak spot, killing it instantly.

Call it cheating if you want, that's how I do it.

Five more titans were nearby. Five more titans died.

Finally satisfied with my work, I turned to look towards the camp, getting ready to teleport to my favourite spot.

Except there was one problem.

Levi was staring at me open mouthed from a nearby branch.


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