Chapter 2 - Meeting the Squad

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"Um...hi?" I say hopefully.

Maybe he didn't see me teleporting around the place while I was busy killing the titan.

I take another look at his stunned expression and sigh.

Maybe not.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm (y/n). And who are you?"

No need to tell him I've been stalking him all day.

"I'm captain Levi Ackerman from the Survey Corps. What are you doing outside the walls"

I laugh. "I live outside the walls."

He stares at me.

"Follow me," he says abruptly, heading towards their camp.

I grin. That went better than expected. As he sails through the trees using his gear, I add velocity to keep up with him and examine him.

He looks way shorter up close.

"What are you guys doing out here?" I wonder.

He glances at me, "scouting"



Not feeling chatty, are we? I see how it is.

We reach the area the squad is camping in. Everyone turns to stare at us as we get there. They look confused and suspicious when they see me.

Levi goes to land in front of the guy I figured is the leader. I teleport next to him. Everyone except for Levi gasps and takes a step back.

"Who is this, Levi?" The leader examines me.

I shuffle uncomfortably under his gaze. Is there something on my face?

"That's what I'd like to know," he says, turning to me.

"What are you saying, silly? I already told you my name," I say playfully.

He is unamused.

All eyes are on me. Well this is awkward.

I shrug, "my name's (y/n). And I live here...well technically I live all over the place, but here's close enough"

"Are you a titan?" asks the leader guy. I really ought to learn his name.

"Do you want me to be one?"

"Not particularly."

"Good, cause I'm not," I laugh, "so who are you guys?"

"My name is Erwin Smith and I am the commander of the Survey Corps, Wings of Freedom."

Reluctantly, they all introduce themselves. I don't think they quite believe me about not being a Titan.

"So (y/n), would you mind staying with us and answering a few questions?"

"Sure," not like I've got anything better to do.

"I couldn't help noticing that you were flying without using any kind of gear. Could you tell me how you did that?"

"I think happy thoughts."

Levi looks more annoyed than usual at my less than serious answer. Is it weird that I find him even more attractive for it?

"No, seriously. How do you do it."

I shrug, "I just can. Everyone in my family could. That's how we avoided getting cooped up in a city after the titan invasion."

Erwin's eyes widen, "there are more of you?"

I swallow and look away, "not anymore. They're dead. It's just me left now."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

I turn away, trying to forget the subject. Levi starts explaining how he found me, but I'm not really listening.

People have gathered around us. While I was gone killing titans, they set up little campfires on the tree branches for warmth. Not sure if that's a good idea, but it looks like they've got it under control. They even set up makeshift tents. Pretty cool.

I turn back to the conversation. Levi's just finished his explanation.

Everyone is still staring at me, distrustfully. Yup, they definitely think I'm a titan.

"So what now?"

As if to answer my question, the tree we're standing on shakes. I look down and my eyes widen.

It's head barely reaching to our branch, is a 30 meter titan. Wow, that thing is huge! With a long, stick-like arm it reaches for Levi. Without thinking, I accelerate past it, then turn to see the nape of it neck and, sword drawn, kill it.It drops to the floor with a thud. 

I teleport back to the branch. They're all staring again, gaping.

"What?" I ask, self-conciously.

Erwin peers down at me, "How would you like to join the Survey Corps?"

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