Chapter 3 - Helping Out

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Sorry guys for not updating sooner (๑◕︵◕๑) I'm trying to update at least once a week.


"How would you like to join the Survey Corps?"

I laugh in his face, "Absolutely not! Stay to rot behind those dusty walls for the rest of my life? Yeah, no thanks!"

"Insolent brat!" Levi steps forward angrily.

But I'm already gone.

He swivels his head left and right. "Looking for someone?" I whisper right into his ear.

His fist hits me squarely in the stomach and I find myself panting for breath, crumpled on the ground of my room.

Wow, That guy hits hard! Not to mention fast. I barely had time to see him move.

I reappear on a branch a safe distance away from the group. I'm still clutching my stomach, but my breath has come back, so I can speak again.

"That wasn't very nice," I pout at Levi.

"Come back here and I'll show you what else isn't nice"

"No, I think I'll pass, thanks." 

"I'm sorry for Levi's abruptness," Erwin interrupted our quarrel with a glance at Levi, telling him to keep his cool, "Why don't you come back here so we can talk civilly."

I narrow my eyes suspiciously, "so you can knock me out and chain me up like-" I shut up before I finish that sentence. They don't need to know about that.

"Like?" Erwin raises an eyebrow.

"Hm?" I look at him with wide, innocent eyes, "oh, nothing."

"Well, even I you don't want to come any closer, would you mind coming back with us. There are a lot of things we'd like to know, and I'm sure there are things you'd like to know of us too."

"I already told you. I'm not joining your Survey Corps."

"Even if you aren't, there's no harm accompanying us back to the walls, is there?" He tilts his head, studying me, "You've never been inside the walls, have you?"

And with that, he had me hooked. I don't know how he knew, but I couldn't resist the temptation of discovering new places. That was how I had found so many of my favourite hiding places, so far removed from any crumbling old roads, that I doubted anyone had ever seen them, even before the titan invasion. That was why I was so fascinated with the walls. 

And somehow, without me telling him, he seemed to know.

"Well..." I pretended to consider, "I guess taking a peek inside couldn't hurt."

I tried, and failed, to ignore the commanders knowing gaze.


The following morning, the scouting team broke camp first to scout out the terrain ahead and make sure there were no titans nearby. Eager to help my new friends, if that was what they were, I offered to take care of the titans in the area. They gratefully accepted, but told me not to engage unless the group was in danger. They didn't want, they said, to attract unnecessary attention by mindlessly killing titans. 

I wanted to point out that there was chance of attracting titan attention of all the titans were dead, but thought better of it. After all, if I caught the interest of too large a group of titans, I could always teleport away. They couldn't.

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