Brian Holden (for Lauren)

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"Lauren are you almost ready to go?" I hear my boyfriend Brian shout.

    "Yeah give me a second," I say as I slip on my heels. "So you never did tell me where we're going for dinner."

    "We haven't been there yet. You'll like it, I promise."

    I smile and say, "okay," before leaning over and kissing Brian. Hand-in-hand we walk out to his car. I sit down in the passenger seat when the weirdest thing happens.

    Brian holds out a blindfold and says, "okay you need to wear this."

    "What? No I'm not doing this. I know that you're stressed out because Twisted is opening in a few days but you don't need to get this strange. "

    He laughs and says, "Come on Laur, for me?" He gives me one of those puppy dog looks he knows I can't resist.

    "Ugh fine, but the restaurant's food better be fucking amazing."

    "Trust me it's totally awesome." We both laugh and then I grab the blindfold from him and put it on.

    After a short drive Brian stops the car and I say, "okay can I take this off now?"

    "Not yet."

    "Okay Brian you're being really weird about this, why can't I just take off the damn blindfold?"

    "You can once we get there okay?"

    "Ughhh fine, but I'm only doing this because I love you so much."

    "I know," he laughs and says, "and I love you too." Brian helps me out of the car and we walk into a building. "Now we just need to take a quick elevator ride."

    Wow this must be a really classy restaurant if we have to take an elevator there and everything. Maybe it's one of those rooftop restaurants in a hotel? I stumble my way out of the elevator, high heels are really hard to walk in, and suddenly Brian says, "okay we're here."

    "Does that mean I can take this stupid thing off now?"

    "Nope, just another minute or two."

    "Ugh." I hear him knock on the door and it swings open.

    A group of people scream "surprise!" and I pull off my blindfold. I scan the room and see a bunch of my friends and a banner that says, 'HAPPY 27TH BIRTHDAY LAUREN'.

    Meredith runs up to me, squeals "happy birthday!" and gives me a hug.

    "Thanks Mer. Did you plan all of this?"

    "Actually Brian and I planned it together. What do you think?"

    "This is so great, thanks so much!"

    "Of course, what are best friends for?"

    We hug again when Lauren Lopez comes over to us and says, "happy birthday name twin!" and before I can even say thank you she turns to Meredith and says, "since Lauren is here can we eat cake now?"

    "Let's let Lauren decide. Lo here wants to eat cake first, what do you think?"

    "That sounds great."

    "Okay just go sit down with everyone else and I'll get it set up."

    "Sure, thanks again Mer," I say as I walk over to the couch. There aren't any seats left so I just sit down on Brian's lap. He gives me a kiss hello when the lights dim and Meredith and Lauren walk out carrying a massive cake.

    Everyone begins singing, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lauren, happy birthday to you!"

    I smile as I blow out my candles, all 27 of them, and try to think of something to wish for, but I come up blank. I think of my amazing job as an actress, my amazing friend, and my amazing boyfriend that I live with. I blow out the final candle and there's only one thing going through my mind. I wish that my life is always this perfect.

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