Jeff Blim (for Emily)

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I wake up with a smile on my face. Today's the day, I think. My birthday. I open my eyes and notice that my boyfriend, Jeff, is no longer in our bed.

I crawl out of bed and walk towards the kitchen where I find Jeff making scrambled eggs like he does every morning. "Morning Em," he says and then kisses me.

"Morning babe," I respond. "So what are we going to do today?" I ask. I'm lucky, my birthday happened to fall on a Saturday this year.

"Uhh I don't know. I have to go to B-Hol's place for a little bit later, and I was feeling like catching up on tv today. What do you think?"

"I guess that's okay," I say frowning.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing," I lie. Did he really forget my birthday? No it's not possible. He's a good boyfriend, he would remember.

He takes his eggs off the heat, puts it on a plate, and starts eating it. I wait for him to offer me some but he doesn't. He didn't even cook for two like he usually does. I decide to make myself pancakes. If my boyfriend doesn't want to cook for me on my birthday then I guess I'll have to cook for myself. I look in the cabinet and notice that we're out of pancake mix. "I'm going to go to the store," I say.

"Okay, do you think you can pick up some other stuff? I have a whole list for the week."


"Okay it's on the fridge," he says and then turns back to his eggs.

I grab the list and scan it. It's really long and there are a million errands to do. "Really Jeff?"

"What?" He asks, and then he sees the disappointed look on my face. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot." Phew so I guess he didn't forget my birthday after all. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two crumpled twenties. "Here, for my share."

"Thanks," I say and then I put on my jacket and head over to our front door.

"Emily!" He calls out.

"Yeah?" I say.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jeff," I say and then head out into the cold Chicago winter.

*3 hours later*

I walk back into the apartment with my arms full of groceries. "Jeff?" I call out, but no one answers. "Hello?"

I make my way into the kitchen when I spot a note on the table. It reads: Emily, gone to Brian's, I'll be there for a while. I'll be home around 6. Great. My boyfriend doesn't remember my birthday, and then he spends all day with Brian. This day couldn't get any worse. I pop a bag of popcorn and resolve to watch Netflix for the rest of the day.

I watch a few episodes of this show, and it feels like no time has passed but I look at the clock and notice that it's already 6:30. Jeff should be back by now, maybe he'll be back soon. I change into jeans and my favorite sweater when my phone starts to ring. Meredith is calling me. Hopefully she'll remember my birthday. Strangely none of my friends have texted me or anything. I answer the phone and say, "hello?"

"Hey Emily, do you want to come over later?" She asks.

I glance at the door and give up hope that Jeff is coming home anytime soon. "When do you want me there?"

"Can you come now?" She asks.

"Sure, I'll see you soon," I say and hang up the phone.

I head over to Meredith and Brian's apartment which is only a few blocks away. I approach their apartment door and knock.

"Come in!" I hear Meredith say.

Strangely, when I open the door, the lights are off. I turn them on and all of my friends jump out at me. "Surprise!" they yell.

Jeff comes over to me and gives me a kiss. "Happy birthday! I'm sorry I pretended to forget, it was all part of Meredith's plan."

I smile and say, "it's okay, you just had me really worried."

He scratches the back of his neck and says, "I'm really sorry Em."

I put my hands on his shoulders, look into his eyes, and say, "really, Jeff, it's fine. Just don't do it again."

He laughs, says, "I promise I won't," and kisses me.

Meredith walks out holding a cake with candles lit on top. It has Happy Birthday Emily! scrawled across the top. Everyone starts to sing the birthday song and Jeff grabs my hand and squeezes it. I close my eyes and try to think of something to wish for but I can't. There's nothing that I want that I don't have. I have an amazing and adorable boyfriend, and great friends. I empty my mind and blow out the candles, smiling.

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