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Meredith steps out in the crisp, fall air of New York City, her curly brown hair keeping her neck warm. She looks down at her phone, trying to figure out what subways to take. After what feels like hours of searching the internet, she finally figures out where she needs to go. Trying to walk quickly down the street, Meredith remembers what her mother told her before she left. "Always walk quickly Mer. Walk with purpose. You'll be much better off if people can't tell that you're a tourist."

With her mother's words in mind, Meredith picks up her pace and rounds the corner. She spots the subway station and jogs down the stairs. Her subway arrives in a matter of seconds, which is great for the impatient natives that live a fast paced life. Maybe if she had to wait she would have noticed the pale, lanky man with light brown hair that's covered with a blue baseball cap staring at her from across the platform.

Meredith steps into the subway car and luckily it isn't too full. She sits down and the train begins to move. Meredith scans the subway car and begins to make up stories for all of the people she sees when suddenly the subway stops. Meredith peers out the window and only sees black. There are no dirty white tiled walls with a sign announcing where they are. Everyone around her is so involved in their own life that they don't even notice that the subway is stopped but the doors aren't opening, and they're not at a stop. Suddenly, the god like voice of the conductor speaks, "attention passengers, we are experiencing some problems with the train. We should start moving again shortly."

Suddenly panic ensues. Everyone is checking their phones, desperate to text someone, anyone, and let them know what's happening. Let someone know that they will be late to their busy life, but the phones don't work. There is no service. Meredith is different. She doesn't pull out her phone in a stress induced frenzy. She just sits and waits. Moments later, once the frenzy of panic ends, Meredith looks at her watch. She still has an hour until the doors of the theater open but she wanted to go to the box office.

"Scared you'll be late?" says a stranger.

Meredith looks up and sees the face of the mysterious voice. He has light brown hair that is peaking out from underneath a familiar blue baseball cap. "Yeah," she replies, "I'm going to a Broadway show. It's one of my favorites and I'm only here for the weekend so I need to see it."

"I'm sure you'll make it. My name is Brian by the way," he says with a smirk. He reaches his hand towards Meredith, waiting for a handshake.

"Hi I'm Meredith," she answers while shaking his hand. "So what are you going to be late for?"

"Just to a lazy night at home," he answers quickly. "What show are you seeing anyways?"

"Wicked. It's been my favorite since I saw it with my parents when I was younger."

"No way."


"Wicked is my favorite show too."

"Really? I didn't see you as the musical loving type."

"Yeah, umm, well it's kind of like my weird secret."

Meredith laughs, "why are you embarrassed by that?"

"Some people think it's strange," Brian says and looks down, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You don't need to be embarrassed. I think it's sorta funny, don't ya think?"

"I guess so," he replies. "You said that you're only here for the weekend. Where are you from?"

"Chicago, but I've always loved New York City."

"Yeah it's a great place," he says.

Meredith mumbles "yeah," and the two sit in silence, not knowing what to say next. Meredith decides to speak, "so living in New York and liking musicals, you must see a lot of Broadway shows."

"Sadly I just don't have the time," he pauses, "well that's not true. I have the time, just no one to go with and I hate going alone.

"Yeah I hate that too. Like it's nice to enjoy the show and it isn't awkward while it's going on but I just feel so strange waiting in line alone like a loser. I was supposed to -" Meredith stops talking before she reveals anything more. Why should she tell him anything? He's a stranger, he doesn't need to know anything about her.

Interrupting her thoughts, Brian says, "what were you supposed to do?"

"I don't think I'm comfortable telling you. You're a stranger. For all I know, you could be a serial killer."

"I promise I'm not a serial killer."

"I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable."

"Okay," Brian says and looks down at his phone. As he tries to pull his headphones out of his pocket his phone falls in front of Meredith. He mutters, "fuck," as Meredith reaches down to pick up the phone.

As she picks up the phone, she sees a familiar face on Brian's phone background. She hands Brian the phone and says, "How do you know Aaron?"

"He's one of my roommates. You know him?"

"Yeah he dated one of my friends in college."

"Small world," he smiles and continues, "I'm sorry about before, it's your choice if you want to tell me what you were going to do."

"It's fine, you we're just being curious," she pauses, "This trip was supposed to be for my best friend and I until I caught her making out with my boyfriend."

Brian's smile fades. "That is so horrible. I'm guessing you're no longer friends?"

"Yeah, how could I continue to be friends with someone who would do that to me?" She pauses, "So anyways I'm going to the show early to try to return my other ticket."

"Let me go with you."

"What, why? No." Meredith says defensively. Yes she'll make small talk with a stranger while stuck on a subway but she will not give her extra broadway ticket to him.

"Why not? Come on, I'll pay you for it and then you won't have to go alone."

"Look, you're a nice guy and all but I don't know you. Sorry, I guess I'm just being really cautious, being in a new city and all." Meredith pauses, "so why should you come with me? Why should I give you my extra ticket?"

"I'll pay you for my ticket, we can stop at an ATM on the way there so you know that I'm good for the money. Also I will make the show great. You won't have to sit alone with an empty seat next to you that reminds you of the loss of your friend."

"Uhh let me think about it." Meredith doesn't know what to do. Yes she would love to not have to go to the show alone but would she really go with a complete stranger?

Meredith's thoughts are interrupted by the god like voice of the conductor, "Sorry for the delay, we had some unexpected problems with the train but we are going to get moving now."

The train begins to move and Brian looks at Meredith and says, "So what's your choice? Can I go to the show with you?"


"Please I'm a really nice guy I swear, wait what? Did you just say I can come?"

"Yes, now don't make me regret it," she says jokingly.

"Trust me you won't."

The train pulls to a screeching halt, but this time you can see the dimly lit subway station with its dirty white tiled walls. Meredith turns to Brian and says "this is our stop." They walk off the subway together and towards the theater, both looking forward to seeing the show.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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