Chapter 1

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When I awoke, the sun was shining bright. I was now about as big as a 14 year old so mom an dad gave me a phone. It was the newest model. iPhone six. I picked it up and checked it. My friend Caroline had texted me. She asked if I could hang out today. I know what your thinking. Won't Caroline get suspicious? She knows though. She's known since last summer when my skin started kinda glimmering in the sun at volleyball. I asked permission from mom and dad and told her. It's nice having someone know. It's exhausting keeping a this secret when you grow three inches a month.
"Renessmee, time for breakfast", mom said.
"I'm coming", I replied.

When I got to the kitchen, dad was making pancakes. He's really good at cooking.
"Morning sweetheart", they said in unison.
" Good morning guys", I answered.
"Get your topping dad told me", dad told me, "We have to go to see Aunt Alice she wants to see you", he said.
"Probably just another fashion emergency", I chuckled.
He handed me my pancakes, I gobbled them up and then walked to the main house.

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