Louis Imagine dirty

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"Alright let's do this!" I say to myself out loud to pump me up. Yep summer Is coming and I need to get my fat arse into the gym and bathing suit ready. With my luck I'd go to the beach and have some one yell "whale on the beach" and laugh as they ran away. Alright I'm not huge but I'm not stick thin either. Not that I want to be stick thin, I just want to be able to look into the mirror and be happy with how I look. Is that a crime? No it's not. I've been going to this gym for a few weeks now and making sure I do a lot of the cardio work I know I need. Today however is my first appointment with a personal trainer. I'm praying that I get the short haired brunette girl. She is extremely nice and I've seen her working with other people. She's seems very thorough and patient. Just what I need. I grab my duffle from the back of my car and fling it around my shoulder. Close my door and walk towards the gym to start my workout. I kind of hated that my gym was co-Ed ( men and woman) because I'm self conscience as it is. Now I'm working out with all these guys around me, it's kinda embarrassing. There is this one trainer though who is so extremely hot. It might just be coincidence that my workout time coincides with his work schedule but I didn't care. It was definitely my pleasure watching him while he worked. Looking at those biceps flexing as he spotted the weight lifters and the sweat dripping down his brow as he jogged on the treadmill. Oh my god down girl!! You're getting yourself worked up in the wrong way. Work out time not day dream about hottie trainer time. I think to myself. I scan my membership card and proceed to the locker room to lock up my belongings. I grab my water bottle and head over to the front desk where I am to meet my personal trainer. Feeling a bit anxious I stood there for a minute not saying a word, just waiting for someone to notice me. I hear people on the other side of the wall talking to each other and laughing a bit.

Just as I was about to call for someone I see a head pop out from around the off white painted wall. I instantly feel my cheeks heat up as it's the hottie trainer that I was hoping to see. Today he was wearing his usual workout clothes. He was wearing some basketball shorts and a tank that was just short enough to stop just at the hem of his shorts, giving me a great view of his incredible bum. Not again woman! Speak up and ask for your trainer. "Excuse me! I'm Mia an I have an appointment with a personal trainer." I say "oh hi. " says the pretty blonde with a snotty attitude. "yeah I see your name here. Yeah you're trainer will be down the hall, third door on the right." she said pointing down the hallway. She then got a huge smile on her face as she saw Hottie trainer walking down the hall. He turned to look back towards the counter and waved, her face lit up once again and she waved, "he's so hot right? Well don't even think about it he's mine!" she says twirling her hair on her index finger. "ok, I'm just here to work out and that's it so you have a wonderful day!" I say back sarcastically. I spin on my heels and walk towards the hall way looking for that third door.

All I could think to myself was who the hell does she think she is? Did I make any indication that I was interested in Hottie Trainer? Did I stare at him strangely that caused her to react like this? Like really bitch do you really think he'd be into me when there are all these hot girls in skimpy clothes running around showing off their goods? Damn I wish he was into me but I'm a realistic person and I know he's not. Now that my blood is boiling I am hella ready for this workout session. Sometimes anger isthe best motivation. I continue walking down the hallway not even paying attention to the rooms. I stop mid stride and turn to count the doors. One, two, three and then four. Great almost passed it. Ok third door on the right.. Right? Or was it left? Who cares if I'm wrong I go across the hall to the right room. I walk up to the door let out a big breath to release some of my frustrations not wanting to be rude to the trainer. I walk and my jaw drops... Hottie trainer... He turns around and smiles "hey how are you?" he says. Oh my goodness his eyes are an ocean blue and I can't stop looking into them. "hi I'm good, sorry I must've gone into the wrong room. My apologies! Have a great day." I say hurrying out of the room. I walk across the hall breathing heavily and there is nobody, absolutely nobody, in the other room. I hear someone enter behind me and turn to see yet again Hottie trainer. " um hi again. Is your name Mia?" he asks "yeah it is, how did you know?" I return " well that's what my training schedule says." he chuckles. Shit!! I mentally facepalm. He's my trainer? Yeah this won't be hard for me. I think to myself. How the hell am I supposed to concentrate on my workout when I have him here distracting me? I guess I have no choice, I'll just do my best. " we'll Mia I'm Louis and I'm your trainer for this session. Is there anything in particular you want to work on? Some people have a specific area they want to concentrate on." he says in the sexiest voice. "yeah my specific area would be everything. I need a complete overhaul." I reply. "really? Cause from where I'm standing you don't seem to need any work." he says smirking. My eyes popped wide open. Did he just say what I think he said? What the f***? No he didn't mean it. He's getting paid to say things like that. Has to be. "ok so let's get started. First off we have to take your measurements." he says so simply. "What? Why? Do we have to?" I say abruptly. "haha yeah it's so we can keep track of your progress during your sessions. It doesn't hurt and nobody sees your numbers but us. I promise I won't tell." he sends a wink. Ok exactly how much are they paying him to train me? Like, that would be the only reason why he's being so nice. Isn't it? He pulls out his clipboard and his pen. Then slides a tape measure from his pocket. We walks closer to me and I feel my heartbeat increase ten fold. "what exactly will we measure here?" I ask. " we'll measure your arms, legs. We'll do your hips, your waist and your bust line. All the main areas where we'll melt off what you want." Damn he's so fucking sexy!!! He kneels down in front of me and looks up to me and smiles. "ok let's measure your legs and work our way up." Oh Dear Lord help me!!!

He's on his knees in front of me and damn his fine ass for looking so hot. Too bad we're completely dressed. Ugh stop already. He starts to measure my thighs and scribbles down a couple things. Next he slowly gets up and starts to move his hands behind my back to measure my waist. Instinctively my eyes close and I bite my lip. Feeling his breath on my stomach is just amazing and I'm fighting the urge to put my fingers through his hair. I'm exploding inside and it's killing me to hold it in. He stands up and clears his throat. "are you alright?" he asks. I open my eyes not realizing they were still closed. "oh... Yeah I'm fine why?" I ask trying to hide my emotions. "oh we'll I've never had anyone close their eyes when I measure them before. It's was just unexpected." he says. "ok now I'll do your arms and then... (he pauses) finish this up." He wraps his measuring tape around my left arm and then double checked that his number was right. Then moved, again very slowly, to my right arm. He took my measurements and continued to scribble on that damn clipboard. "ok next is um, your chest." he says with a little cough. He was starting to look a bit nervous himself now and I was getting a little angry. Was I so bad that he was freaking out about finishing this "measuring" crap? "you know you don't have to finish this. I can find someone else to train me. You don't need to torture yourself anymore." I said with an attitude. " I'm sure your girlfriend the receptionist wouldn't mind if you didn't train me. In fact, my guess is that she'd do flippin cartwheels knowing you didn't have to follow through with this!" I practically yell at him. He looks at me with furrowed brows, like he's confused. " Well for starters the front desk girl is a psycho. She tells everyone she's my girlfriend and she is SO not. She's not my type at all. Bleached blonde and a twig? No, and she has no common sense or sense of humor. Next I WILL continue to train you because its my job and I never drop a client. So let's continue this so we can get to the real work." he said sternly. Damn sexy voice, he's making me all hot and bothered.

 "Now stretch out your arms so we can get the last measurement." he demands. I stretch out my arms and watch him as he gets even closer to me. He wraps his muscled arms around my back and slowly inches his head towards mine. He's so close that I can feel his breath on my neck just below my ear and again I'm holding back the urge to moan. "Are you alright Love? You seem to be holding your breath." he whispers in my ear and I get a chill down my spine. "oh yeah I'm good, just didn't want you breathing in my stinky breath." I say immediately wishing I could take it back. "so far everything I've smelled on you has been quite a delicious scent. I could smell it all day." he again whispers but this time his nose brushes against my ear. He turns away to write down the last of the horrid numbers and when his back is turned I nearly collapse from numbness. Am I imagining things or is he flirting with me? No freaking way is he flirting. He can have any of the fit girls in this gym right now. They are constantly throwing themselves at him so it's impossible. "ok now that I have your numbers here we can begin with the equipment and cardio. Let's go into the main room." he says as he walks out and I follow. He stops to grab a slip of paper that was in the cubby next to the door and as he does his tank top rides up and I get a spectacular view of his abs. Before I knew it I hit the wall and fell to the ground. Omg I am such a dumbass! I sit on the ground holding my head in disbelief and Louis runs over to me and kneels down. "Son of a bitch!" I yell then begin to laugh. "oh my god are you alright?" Louis yells. I sit there laughing and Louis starts rubbing my back. The electricity courses through my body and I immediately stopped laughing. "Um yeah I'm fine. I can just be an Unbelievably big klutz. I'm used to it." I say still giggling. "maybe we should reschedule your training?" he says sweetly. "NO!" I shout quickly. "I'm fine and you never drop a client right? Let's go." I say getting up.

We head over to the treadmill and he sets the computer and I begin to walk. "ok so we'll start you off with about 20 minutes on here and we'll have your heart pumping. Towards the end today I'll show you a couple things you can do at home too." he says with a wink. DA FAQ? I think. What is going on with him? Ok woman just concentrate on walking without falling. Near the end of my 20 minutes Louis comes over and grabs me by the waist pulling me off the machine.. I gasp not expecting him to do it and we almost fall, again! "Whoa sorry Love, didn't mean to scare you. I want you to start a new machine and it's difficult to stop these horrid machines." he says into my ear from behind me. I look across the gym and see psycho blondie glaring at Louis and I and quickly send her a wink. He said he didn't have a girlfriend, so Leggo bitch! I turn to Louis who still has his hands around my waist and say to him, " it's ok Louis, I feel safe with you. What else are you gonna teach me?" Just as I turn to look at him I see his face is all flushed and he seems nervous.

Louis POV
I've been watching her at the gym for weeks now. I've wanted to talk to her and hear her voice but didn't have the guts. She is so beautiful and I guess I really shouldn't be "stalking" her the way I do but I can't resist. The first week I saw her here I couldn't believe she was as shy as she is. I watched her workout routine and changed my work schedule so I could see her as often as possible. I know I sound like a lunatic but there is just something about her that just draws me to her. I didn't even know her name until I saw her signing up for personal training sessions.. Then I had to run over to the sign up sheet and get her name. Mia! Her name is Mia.
 I saw that she made an appointment for Tuesday. Shit I have to be her trainer. That might be the only way I can get her to talk to me. I quickly signed my name next to hers so I reserved the spot to be her trainer.
*Tuesday Morning*
This morning I was a nervous wreck knowing I'd finally be talking to her. I hope I don't look like an idiot. We've gotten all her measurements and I am totally shocked I didn't stutter or trip over something. Her scent was driving me wild and I was fighting the urge to kiss her. Damn you Louis, you've just met her and you need to slow down. I put my hands around her waist and grabbed her off the treadmill. What the fuck was I thinking? It has a timer to shut it down and here I am telling her that practically tackling her off the damn thing was easier. Truth is I just wanted my arms around her again. Quick Louis think!! "ok let's get you started on another machine. Is there one in particular you want to learn?" I ask Mia. With a blush on her cheeks she says "well there's one on the other side of the room but I don't know what it's called. The one where you have to bring your feet together.

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