Liam Imagine dirty

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I'm awoken by noise coming from the downstairs of my shared flat. I live with my amazing boyfriend Liam and I love him to the moon and back but right now I'm beyond pissed at him. He went out last night to hang out with a "friend" and still isn't home.. Oh yeah did I mention it's 7a.m.? Well it is and he's not answering my calls or texts.

I get out of my nice comfy bed to inspect where the noises are coming from. I tip toe down the carpeted staircase hoping to catch whoever it is in the act. I hear clanking coming from the kitchen and I grab an umbrella from the stand in the hallway to use to protect myself. I know Tae Kwon Do but I have no idea if this person is armed or not. I stop at the entrance to the kitchen and slowly peer my head around the corner just to see Liam making a mess.

"Oh nice of you to finally come home." i say, my voice tinted with anger.

"Love you startled me!" Liam jumps.

"I startled you? I was about to beat you senseless with this umbrella." I return.

"Why would you do that? It's just me." he asks clueless.

"Well Li, I expected you home last night and you never returned or answered any of my calls or texts. I figured you weren't coming back." I say in pure honesty.
I have every right to be so insecure. Liam is part of the biggest boyband in history and he has millions of gorgeous girls falling over him every time he goes out. Sending him their panties and bras, kiking him nude pictures of themselves. I will never understand why teenage girls think that's an appropriate thing to do.

Girls here's a tip: Don't throw yourself at ANY guy, they like a bit of a chase. If you throw yourself at them it just tells them that you're only worth one night of fun, not a lifetime of love.

"You're being ridiculous! Why wouldn't I come home?" he scoffs.

"Liam you can hook up with anyone you want and when you don't answer your phone when I call I just figure you're with a girl." I confess with hurt in my voice.

"That's absolutely ridiculous! Have you gone mental?" he says as he scratches the back of his head. Something he only does when he's furious. Naturally I want the truth and it's now or never I guess.

"how is that ridiculous? How Liam? You are one of the most wanted guys in the world and that means easy access to any whore you want!" I shout at him not caring any more.

I turn to walk away and he grabs my wrist. I use one of the self defense moves I learned in Tae Kwon Do to get him to release my wrist.

"Listen Liam, I completely understand what the whole "Pop Star" life is about. I'm so unbelievably proud of you and your success, but maybe it's just Me that doesn't fit in your life." I say wiping away a tear.

"Oh Lord here we go again. I'm not good enough for you and I don't think you really want me, but just the idea of having a girlfriend!" he mimics my actions. "Enough of this bullshit!! You need to get a fucking grip on reality Love and quick." he explodes.

"You know what? I knew this was coming but I didn't expect it this soon. I'm sorry Liam, I'm sorry for not being good enough, I'm sorry for not being special enough, and I'm sorry for loving you too much." I shout the last part and turn to leave the room but again I'm grabbed but this time by my shoulder.

"Why do you say things like that? Why do you think so little of yourself?" he asks as he wraps his arms around me.

"Because nobody has ever wanted me just for me, nobody has ever loved me just for who I am inside and they weren't international pop stars like you are. You have girls everywhere all the time wanting to have sex with you and I wouldn't blame you for taking them up on their offers. And those girls that management puts you with at parties. Why can't I just go with you? I am your girlfriend right?"  now I'm sobbing.

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