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(ya'll need to listen to this song NOW// skizzy mars - Changes)

"matt, you know i love you. but why?"

"i seriously did not date her! it was just a stupid rumor that a fan made up."

"why can i trust you?"

i sat on the phone with matt for what feels like ages. "its your choice, but i would never do that to you..."

cameron and aaron walked threw the door, sitting across from me on the other couch where i was laying down looking up at the ceiling. "okay... i'll call you tomorrow."

he sighed, "i love you arden. forever and always."

i smiled, "night," i hung the phone up looking at the boys.

there faces looked confused. in a 'hows all of...that' kind of look.

"were getting there." i said, they smiled

"so! i kinda wanna go out." aaron said

"it three in the morning..." cameron said

"i know! lets go ice skating." aaron said getting his keys.

i pushed myself of the broken down couch, saying goodbye to his mom.

"i know its your car but i'm driving!" i yelled after him

he threw me the keys over the car and i got in drivers seat, cameron in the back and aaron next to me. i backed out of his driveway. turning the corner we passed the ice skating rink. i huffed and made a u-turn. we drove up threw gravel parking lot and took a spot in the front.

we went up to the little hut and got our ice skates and put them on.

"i havent done this in forever." i said, shoving my foot into the tight skate.

"me too, but im excited." cameron said standing up but then fell back, trying to stand up on the thin blades.

we all held hands balancing on our, basically sticks of blades. we laughed finally making it too the rink. i grabbed onto the side, gripping onto it for dear life. i got the hang of it and i finally let go.

"oh yeah! i'm doin' it!"

cameron rammed me up against the side of the rink and i slid down the wall. aaron helped me up after multiple tries by myself.

i groaned and dusted the crumpled ice off of me.

i latched on cam, he tried shaking me off but i wasnt coming off. he flipped over so he was facing me and he pushed me up against the back. "try me." he growled

"n-no thanks." and i made a b-line to aaron

we all pretended to be in the wizards of oz but we just fell. we had lots of fun.


"get up,"


"get up,"


i was then pelted with water. i screamed at aaron yelling loudly.



i gave him an annoyed look but he just smiled.

"i'll miss you, buttcheek."

"you too, gammy."

"love you," i waved and went to the taxi.


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