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s e v e n


There's only one thing more painful than dying...that's breaking your baby brother's heart. He was the last one I saw...the last one I heard...the one person I loved more than anything.

I was watching, from above. It was seconds after I had just died, even though it felt like years. I could tell because Ron was still there...next to me. So that's how dying feels, like someone just cuts your life's string with scissors and your gone...just like that. My baby brother was looking at my body on the bed in the center of the room. He must've realized I had died, because he slowly walked out of the room, tears falling. I followed him. He met up with Lady and Crystal. They all were crying; it was too much for me. I started crying too. Lady looked up, right at me.

Could she see me? She said she could. I walked behind them, looking down. I followed them all the way to the foster home, following the car that carried me to my deathbed.

When they entered the home, I appeared in front of them. Ron ran through me to the blue archway...heading for his room. Crystal went to the pink one...heading for her room. Only Lady stayed in front of me. She seemed to see me, because she looked at me.

"Now that you're a spirit...you need to cross over, Rogue," I looked passed her, behind her.

A white light was behind her. "Do you see it, Rogue?"

I didn't stop looking at it. "See what?"

"The light...it's for you," I nodded. "But I won't go...not until I talk to Ron,"

"Wait, Rogue..." I disappeared.

Ron was on his bed, sobbing it sounded like. His face told me everything. He wanted to die too. No...he can't. I won't let him. I went next to his bed. The lamp was the only thing showing me what was happening.

"Ron...can you hear me?" He said nothing. He didn't even move. Then I heard Lady at the door.

"Open up Ron! Please...I need to talk to you!" He looked agitated. "No! Just leave me alone to die!" My stomach dropped. Ron was trying to cut himself with anything he could find.

"No! Ron! Please stop!" He never heard me. He just kept trying to cut himself. I then made what he was holding fly to the wall. It made a clunking noise against the wooden wall and it fell to the floor.

"What...whose there!" He ran to pick it up again. I wouldn't let him get near it. "Please, Ron...stop," I tried to touch his face. He put his hand up slowly to where mine was, but his hand went through mine.

That's when Lady was able to open the door.

"Ron!" She saw his wrist was red from him trying to cut it. His hand was on his face where mine was touching him. "Lady...I feel something...here," I looked up at her.

"Ron, you should know that your sister is here with you..." He started to cry. "Don't say that! She's dead! Don't you understand?" He ran out of the room.

"Lady...he can't see me! I have to talk to him! You have to help me!" She nodded. "Yes...I will help you..."

"He's trying to kill himself, Lady! I have to stop him!" I disappeared again.

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