2: One is to One

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Alright so today's AU is something that I've absolutely loved from the start. Though it may have some canon stuff that I haven't delved into, I still want to try and write for the AU. Here comes Demonic Guardians AU. In this AU, people (and or monsters and supernatural beings I think) are paired up with a demon or a supernatural being. Now I won't list all demon and human paired up but all we need to know here is that Dot Matrix (a floppy disk) is Mabel's guardian, Bill is Dipper's guardian, Bill doesn't want to be close to Dipper because when guardians gets too attached to their human and the human dies, there's a chance that they will die too and in this story, I think it's canon that Dipper has a short life, and last to remember, this AU couldn't be possible without our friend, Starfleetrambo. Give him/her a six fingered hand.


"Dipper you should really try to go out there." Mabel stated, "It's really fun."

"Yeah, sure, maybe." Dipper responded, "But I still don't trust Bill. He might leave me behind or something."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I am not going to leave you two behind?" Bill grumbled, "Anyway, we're here. Shut up and do not get out of the bubble."

Mabel and Dipper looked around and they saw that they were in their home in Piedmont.

"Where and when are we?" Dipper asked, "This looks like we're in Piedmont."

The three of them heard crying noises and Bill's eye went wide.

"Wait." He started then floated around, exiting the bubble, "Wrong dimension!"

"What's wrong?" Mabel asked as she started stepping out of the bubble

"No don't!" Bill yelled before she could take one more step, "I don't need another problem."

"Where are we exactly, Bill?" Dipper repeated

"Dimension 4 5 13 15 14. In this dimension, you two and several other people have demon guardians." Bill explained, "Now I need to go back in there before-."

Waaaaaahhhh! Waaaahhhh!

"Oh no." Bill muttered then tried to pry his body inside the bubble to no restraint, "Pine Tree why did you choose this time to cry?!"

He floated over to the huge crib. He looked at the people inside. He saw the Mystery Twins as babies. Sure he had seen them before in this very vulnerable state but this was something else.

"So why can't you just go inside?" Mabel asked

"Now it's not funny how dumb you two are." Bill answered, "I can't because I'm Pine Tree's guardian."

He looked back at the babies and saw that Mabel was chewing on her brother's hand and this was why Dipper was crying. Dipper tried to pull on his hand but Mabel had a strong grip on it. Soon, she let go of it and he had stopped his crying for a bit before she went and started teething on his cheek which made him cry even louder.

"You humans are gross." Bill murmured before picking up the crying baby, "Where is that floppy disc anyway?"

"Mabel are you crying?" A voice from the other room called

The voice went inside the room and appeared to be none other than Mabel's demon guardian, Dot Matrix.

"Oh Cipher! What a surprise." Dot Matrix greeted then picked Mabel up from the crib, "Glad to see that you're finally taking care of Dipper."

"Put a sock in it, Floppy. I'm from another dimension. And I can't leave until this sucker stops crying." Bill said, annoyed

"I understand. But Dipper just doesn't stop crying. It takes hours to get him to stop." Dot responded, "I'm just so glad that I'm not the one to take care of him this time."

Dot Matrix appeared to be lying to Bill. It did not take for the boy hours to stop crying. For a baby, Dipper was fairly quiet. After he felt that his sister's gums were no longer touching him and her saliva swiped away, he had stopped crying. Bill put him down and started floating away but then.

Waaaaahhhh! Waaaahhh!

"What? What do you want?" Bill asked then picked Dipper up again and it stopped him from crying

"He's in one of his 'I-wanna-be-carried-and-I-want-to-see-you-all-the-time' moods." Dot explained as he played with his own little baby

Mabel, on the other hand, seemed to be the extrovert. She actively played with him despite her young age. It was like she knew that Dot Matrix was her parent. Bill nearly cursed his self for his counterpart picking Dipper. Why not other children? Why not Shooting Star herself? They were twins! He could have easily gotten her! But he had gotten the stubborn one. This was a joke. A sick and cruel joke that no one ever wanted.

But with the baby Pine Tree starting to fall asleep in his arms, he felt as if it was no longer a joke. Maybe humans were not much bad at all. He guessed that he would have to spare Pine Tree on his plans. But that could still change. He, slowly but surely, placed Dipper back in the crib. The baby was already snoring away and Bill could not help but watch the baby as he dreamed of random things. He guessed it was time to go so he floated back inside the bubble. He went back slowly to the curiosity of both Mabel and Dipper.

"Whoa man, I thought you wanted to escape. Why do it so slowly?" Dipper asked

"Maybe I wanna stay in this dimension after all, what are you gonna do about it?" Bill snapped at him

"Oh shut up, demon. We both know that you hate babies. Now let's go?" Dipper asked

Bill stared at him then back to the crib. Maybe he really did want to take care of Pine Tree for a longer time. Just a little more cari-.

"Let's go!" Dipper ordered and Bill snapped his fingers, bringing them to another dimension

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