3: Ding dong, all is wrong

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Alright so this AU I wasn't familiar with. I was curious with Timestuck AU cause well, timestuck! Who's stuck in time? Then when I searched it and oh gosh, this is awesome. Apparently in this AU, Mabel is back to Mullet!Stan's time. Now how does one broke man, whom I assume haven't even finished high school, take care of a twelve year old? Before I start, course I'd like to thank the creators, even if I don't know who they are, they are still awesome peeps.


"Here we are." Bill announced, obviously bummed about the past dimension

"Oh don't be such a grumpy pants, Bill." Mabel said to him, "You can go back there anytime."

"As if I will." Bill grumbled

"So anyways, where are we?" Mabel asked

"Dimension 20 9 13 5 19 20 21 3 11." Bill answered, "The dimension that you shouldn't even know yet."

"Oh hey look, it's you." Dipper pointed at the Mabel in sweatertown a few meters from them

Dipper started walking towards her but Bill had already grasped on his shirt collar.

"You get out of the bubble and we can't find you anymore." Bill warned, "You'll go out of existence in this timeline."

Dipper nodded and watched as the Mabel in that dimension cradle herself back and forth. Dipper noticed that she was crying and his brotherly instincts instantly kicked in. He had to fight the strong urge of going over there and hugging Mabel until she was all better.

"Bill what's with this dimension? And can't I help her even if I won't go out of the bubble?" Dipper asked

"No." Bill answered, "You can't help this Shooting Star. She's broken beyond repair and in this dimension I fail with my plans."

"Plans? What are your plans exactly?" Mabel questioned, raising a brow

"I'll tell when we get to the end of the trip. Now just watch." Bill responded, now obviously uninterested

Dipper and Mabel turned their attentions to the crying child in the corner of the room. The Mabel sniffed and pulled her head out of the sweater.

"Grunkle Stan?" She asked weakly, eyes red with all the crying, "Dipper? Where are you?"

"Come on, Bill. Just let me help her." Dipper pleaded

"Again, no. You, in this dimension, are in Gravity Falls. In this dimension, Mabel is with Stan Pines before he went to Gravity Falls." Bill explained

"So? I can always go to Gravity Falls and find her." Dipper reasoned

Bill looked at him, agitated, before snapping his fingers and a zipped up zipper appeared in exchange for Dipper's mouth. He tried to make sounds of disagreement but the words were not very obvious with the cover. Bill looked at Mabel next. She just closed her mouth and shook her head violently.

"Nope. No disagreement." Mabel stated

Bill sighed and looked at the Mabel who was crying her eyes out. She was looking around, waiting for some miracle to happen to her. She stopped crying once she noticed something or someone that was familiar to her.

"Gr-Grunkle Sta-an?" Mabel whimpered then jumped up from her seat and hugged the man walking by

"Whoa, whoa kid, who are you?" The man in the red mullet asked, prying the small child away from his body

"Grunkle Stan, please! It's me! Mabel! I'm your great grandniece." Mabel responded, "Please, Grunkle Stan, you have to help me."

"What can I do kid? I'm a homeless man who hasn't even finished highschool." Stan commented, "I don't have anything to raise a kid. You have to go back home to your parents."

"But I can't. I don't even know when am I." Mabel pouted

"All I can say to you is that, no, you can't live with me. I can't even afford to maintain a living for myself." Stan continued, "I'm not even sure if I can eat today. I have no job, no family, no anything." Stan sighed, "I' just a sore loser who can't prove anything."

"If it makes you feel any better," Mabel wiped her eyes, "you've proved yourself by being the best grunkle." Mabel forced up a smile, "You're the best great uncle Dipper and I ever had and I think that's proving something."

Mabel went over and hugged him even tighter and spoke in a small, broken voice that even she did not know she even had, "Please help me through this Grunkle Stan. I know that you can and will do everything to keep me alive. Please Grunkle Stan." She closed her eyes, trying to not keep her tears falling, "I trust you."

Stan looked straight forward but his eyes reflected that they were in deep thought. This kid. She was just like his Ma. His ever-loving and protective Ma. She was the only one who told him that he could do something. That he could prove something. There was no wonder that this kid was his great niece, if ever that was true. She was almost a photocopy of his Ma, not only in appearance, but also in attitude. She trusted her. There was no one else on this world that trusted him but his Ma. With a bite of his lip, he placed his arms around the girl just as tight as she did it to him.

"Alright." He murmured

He guessed two lonely people going together would blend well. Most especially that they two were obviously homesick and were just willing to find a way back home.

"Let's go and find something to eat, kid." He told her and led her away from her little corner

He suddenly cannot wait to be there when she was born.

"See? If you two had intervened, then Pines wouldn't have found Shooting Star." Bill stated, "Now isn't this interesting."

Bill snapped his fingers then the zipper on Dipper's mouth disappeared, "Alright, alright, I admit. You were right."

"Haha! Of course I'm right, in another dimension, that thing already happened and I've already watched that." Bill stated, "Now who's up for no more sappy things but more fun and torture?"


Hihi! Well that's done. I hope I did justice to Timestuck AU because this AU is one heckovan AU. It's awesome. Actually, all AUs featured here are awesome and you just wait till our next AU.

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