5: Beyond the Norm

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Dang this is one famous AU. This is the Transcendence AU by zilleniose-chu. Dudes, let me tell you, Transcendence AU is one heck of an awesome AU. Here, Dipper's a demon and well, this AU is really big rn that I haven't gotten to finish up knowing all the characters. Explanation time! In Transcendence AU, Dipper and Mabel foil Bill's plans of uniting his dimension with the twins' dimension. In attempt to save something (Don't know what), Bill possesses Dipper and then Dipper turns into a demon.


"Dipper, where are you?!" The Mabel of that dimension called, "Dipper!"

"Whoa this is a really weird dimension." Mabel stated, looking around

"Well of course, this is dimension 20 18 1 14 19 3 5 14 4 5 14 3 5." Bill responded, "It's supposed to be weird."

"I still don't get those names." Dipper commented, "So wait, why is Mabel looking for me?"

"Because you've turned into a demon." Bill explained, "Because I possessed you and all that and turned you into a demon."

"This is your fault for making Mabel sad." Dipper accused

"No, it's your fault that you ruined my plans. I could've at least invited you to the party if you two behaved well." Bill explained

"Alright so how can we make Mabel happy?" Dipper asked

"You," Bill pointed at him, "need to show up. And since you're a demon here, you can summon yourself to anywhere you want."

"But wouldn't that be-." Dipper gave a scream as he was pushed to the outside of the bubble

Bill turned to Mabel, "So how about those cards?"

Dipper rubbed his head. He had anticipated for the fall to come but it did not arrive. He looked around and saw that Mabel was staring at him.

"Bro bro, is that you?" Mabel asked in a small voice

"Yeah, it's me." Dipper nodded

His head felt fuzzy as a million thoughts and knowledge ran through his brain. He felt tired with the overloading of new knowledge.

"Dipper what," she looked him up and down, "what happened to you?"

"I-." He did not know how to say it to her, "Bill. Bill happened."

"What?" Mabel furrowed her brows

"Bill possessed me and there were some other things that happened but he turned me into a demon." Dipper explained, "I don't know what to do anymore, Mabel."

Where were all these things coming from? Dipper was confused. He did not know what actually happened but it felt like he was there the whole time. That he watched the whole scene unfold. That he actually lived through the things that happened in this dimension.

"You need to come with me, Dipper. Let's go home to Piedmont. Let's bring Soos and Wendy and Grunkle Stan." Mabel stated

"No," Dipper mumbled, "I can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Dipper, we promised from the start that we won't leave each other." Mabel said, "We need to go home, mom and dad will be looking for us."

Dipper tried his best to pull his sister in a hug. Existing in the mindscape sure was hard when you want to touch something.

"I can't go back to Piedmont with you, Mabel. You need to go back there. I know how hard it is to explain to mom and dad but you're gonna get through it." Dipper told Mabel, "Heck I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm actually a Dipper from another dimension."

"So where's my Dipper?" Mabel asked

Dipper shrugged, "I have no clue but I will be your Dipper for the time being."

"I," Mabel paused, looking at her brother's eyes

Her own eyes started welling up as he studied her twin's face. Dipper had changed drastically. His eyes were black but his pupils were a glowing gold. He had black wings as that of a demon's. His clothes were not the same. Mabel could not describe it through all the dust and goop on it but all she could say that it was all black. Dipper looked different. Dipper acted different. This Dipper was different.

"I can't live without you." Mabel pouted

A tear fell down from her eyes and Dipper wiped it off her cheeks.

"Don't say that, Mabes." Dipper shook his head no, "You're Mabel Pines, nothing is impossible."

"But this is impossible Dipper! You're my twin and you can't leave me, ever." Mabel stated

"Well I need to. I need to go to my own Mabel. But if it makes you feel any better, your Dipper is going to find you." Dipper forced up a smile, "That's all I can say though. It won't be easy for both of you but you'll make it through."

"Really?" Mabel sniffed

Dipper nodded, "Really. After all, you can summon him."

"So what's his spell? I need to see him." Mabel asked him

"I... I actually don't know." Dipper answered, "But you're going to find him, I promise. It's Bill's and my promise to you."

Mabel smiled weakly and hugged her brother tight.

"I need to go now." Dipper mumbled

"Now?" Mabel looked up at him

"Yeah. Now. I don't know what Bill's doing to my sister." Dipper chuckled

"Your sister's lucky." Mabel smiled at him

"You're still my sister." Dipped commented, "Your brother's also lucky to have you, Mabel."

"He's not." Mabel laughed, "I'm just regular old me."

"And that's what's making him lucky." Dipper responded, "I-."

A black arm shot out from the protective bubble behind him then he was pulled inside. He turned back to him regular form.

"What's up?" Dipper asked

"Mabel's cheating!" Bill complained, pointing at Mabel

"I am not!" Mabel countered, "You asked if I have a two and I gave it. Then I won!"

"If you didn't give it to me, then you wouldn't have won!" Bill screamed

"Well you shouldn't have asked for it!" Mabel glared at the demon

"What is going on with you two?" Dipper interrupted, pulling each other away from the other, "Can't we just get going and not kill each other because of cards?"

Bill rolled his eye and snapped his fingers.

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