Puppet #1

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She ran. Her lungs burned in her chest and her breath was short, raspy gasps. Her feet tapped quickly and lightly on the dusty stone pavement. The young 7 year old female glanced over her shoulder. Her pale green eyes caught sight of a looming shadow, moving rather awkwardly as it manoeuvred through the obstacles to get to her.

Crap...! She cursed inwardly and looked around.

It was dark. The moonlight only gave her the outlines of buildings and objects, but it didn't help her find a way to get out of the situation she was currently in.

Where...?! Where can I go?! She was panicking.


The female winced at the drunken voice. She pressed her lips together and tried to hurry her step, but nearly tripped when she heard glass shatter. An empty bottle of alcohol had been thrown and it hit the wall just inches beside her.

Mentally, she knew that once they caught her, it would be over. For running away, it would be her punishment.

I got to find somewhere to hide! Anywhere!

She was desperate. She jumped onto a few crates and sloppily climbed onto the roof of a random house. Carefully treading, her feet moved her to a balcony that was open and at a higher level than the roof.

Looking back to make sure that her pursuer didn't see, she went in.

It was silent. The area was dark and the only light was the reflection of the moonlight that illuminated the doorway. She could hear the loud voice of the person who had chased her, shouting for her to come out of hiding. Her back pressed against a wall and she turned her head to the doorway. Her medium length black hair stuck to her face as it glistened with sweat.

Her short breaths eventually became slower until it was normal. The voice had died down, as if the person had given up. She closed her eyes and slid down the wall until she hit the ground, holding her head in her hands.

That was close...

The lights flicked on. Her pale green eyes flicked open immediately and met with a person in the room.


Her eyes widened slightly when she realised that it wasn't a person she was looking at, but rather, a puppet. And it wasn't just one puppet. There were about three.

"Who are you?"

Jerking her head to the voice, she felt nervous at the encounter. It was only a red haired boy. He looked younger than her, but his grey brown eyes were impassive and held a lack of interest in anything as well as a maturity she didn't see in most adults.

Seeing how she had clammed up, the boy's hand dropped to his side as he examined the person who had intruded his room.

Her medium length hair was as dark as midnight, contrasting strongly against her incredibly porcelain-like features, which was quite uncommon in Sunagakure. Her clothes were dirty and some parts were freshly ripped. Her arms and legs were slightly bruised and cut, the purple standing out like the moon in the sky. Lastly, he met her incredibly pale green eyes. They were so pale that it felt like they could look straight into his soul and find out every secret he hid. That, in itself, was also very uncommon in Suna.

"I don't like repeating myself." The red head narrowed his eyes slightly as he came forward a few more steps.

Pressing up against the wall slightly, her hands curled into a fist. The boy didn't sound like one at all! His voice was a lot deeper than she had thought.

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