Puppet #15 - Extra

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Puppet #15 - Extra


"Sasori, where are you going?" Eirin questioned. She tilted her head to the side and stared at him with her green eyes.

"To the battlefield." The red head explained.

"Why?" She asked.

"War." He responded. He watched her expression turn to shock, then worry, then sadness.

"Is Granny going too?"


"...please come back safely, Sasori." Eirin pressed her lips together and fidgeted with the item she held in her pocket, wondering if she wanted to give it to him or not.

He seemed to notice and raised a brow, "What is it?"

Having been caught, Eirin jumped and laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck, "Uh...I...have, uh, something for you." She quickly took the item out and pushed it into Sasori's chest, looking down.

The puppet user blinked a few times. It wasn't a surprise that Eirin was giving him something, since she seemed to do that a lot. He still had random trinkets here and there that she had gotten him.

Taking the item, he placed the 13 year old girl's hand down. He stared at the item, realising that it was a small puppet of Eirin.

"Why did you give me a puppet of you?" Sasori questioned. He was always surprised at what she did.

"Uh, well...if you ever get lonely out there, uh, you could look at that and think of me?" Eirin didn't even know what she was saying – her mind was a jumbling mess.

Sasori appreciated the gesture and nodded his head in thanks. He placed it inside his chest pocket. "I'll keep it."

Eirin broke out in a grin and jumped onto him to give him a big hug. He stumbled a bit for balance but didn't fall.

"Eirin, what are you—"

"Stay safe, Sasori...! Please stay safe..." Even though she was mumbling into his shoulder, he heard it all. He didn't return the hug and stared ahead, wondering what to say to her so that she wouldn't worry.

"I'll be fine." He stated.

Eirin let go of him and sent him a bright smile, "I think you will be too!"

Then why the hell were you worrying? Sasori deadpanned.

He saw his grandmother giving him the thumbs up when he changed his direction of vision. His eye twitched.

"Are you here to see us off, Eirin?" Chiyo grinned at the female, coming up from behind.

She nodded, "Yes! Since mother's already out there, I wanted to send my regards as well as see you two off."

"How sweet of you, Eirin." The grandmother smiled.

"Please stay safe! Tell mother that I'll be waiting when she comes back!" Eirin waved as Sasori and Chiyo went off to join in on the war. "I'll be waiting for your return!"

Eirin stood alone, seeing their backs from a distance. The smile had dropped from her expression as she went home.

It was lonely – her mother had been gone for a long time; she had left a month or so before Sasori and Chiyo.

"...what do I do now?" Eirin wondered. She felt so worried – she knew the casualties of war – people die and people come back injured. It was horrible to see all this – she didn't want anyone to go through any of that.

She put her hand into her pocket and pulled out the second half of the pair of puppets. It was one of Sasori. She stared at it for a long time, wondering how things were going on the other side, even if they had just left.

These puppets were a lot smaller than the ones that Sasori had made and fixed 2 years ago. They were created by Eirin, having wanted a small puppet so she could carry it everywhere – it was like a good luck charm.

Eirin smiled and placed the small Sasori puppet in front of the Eirin puppet Sasori had made a few years ago.

"I hope your twin is a good luck charm too."


Sasori stared at the small puppet of Eirin for a long while as he rested with the people he travelled with.

She's smiling...Sasori thought. He quickly placed it back into his chest pocket when someone from the squad came to check on him.

They chuckled at the teen, having seen what he had done, "A good luck charm?"

Sasori's brows rose slightly but he didn't answer just yet. He pondered on it for a while. Once he had thought of his answer, he looked up to reply.

"Yeah...a good luck charm."

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