Band aids and Crunches-Minicat

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(Delirious' POV)
I woke up in a hospital, different from before. I don't remember why I'm here, but then I look at Vanoss. That's when it hit me, I know why I'm here.

Evan was sleeping on a little chair with crunches on the side of his chair. The sound of his little snores made me smile. I went to go touch my head, but I had a bandage wrapped around it. That's right, I hit my head. The door opened so I looked that direction to see Craig, Tyler, Lui, and Nogla walk in.

"Your finally up sleepy head." Tyler whispered.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"A couple of hours... four maybe." Tyler responded.

"Look, we brought you dinner." Craig mentioned giving me a tray of food. "It took us an hour to get that because the line was ridiculously long so don't waste it."

"Okay." I look at the food on my plate. I haven't eaten in a while. Mash potatoes with gravy, chicken, and a drink. I don't know what the drink was.

"Thanks guys." I said as I stuff food in my mouth.

After the dinner, I look over at Evan who was still sleeping. I want to talk to him, but he looks so peaceful.

Lui and Daithi were giggling with each other. Wildcat and Mini Ladd was standing next to each other awkwardly. It was kind of funny.

"You know, you guys belong with each other." I mentioned.

Craig blushed massively. Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Don't do that, he's gonna yell at you like he did with us." Lui said. We all laughed expect the two awkward losers.

"Fine." Tyler said as he looked at Craig. Tyler sighed.

Did what I do really work? Well if it did, that was easy.

"Tyler?" Craig asked.

Tyler grabbed Craig's hand, holding it tight. Craig stared straight into Tyler's eyes, Tyler looking into his.

"Craig, will you be my boyfriend?" Tyler asked.

Before Craig answered, he kissed him. Evan is missing out on this moment.

"Yes." Craig said he stopped kissing Tyler. They were still holding hands, blushing like crazy.

"Wow, that wasn't so hard was it?" I asked with a laugh.

We all heard Evan wake up and looked at him. He looked at all of us with a confused look. Then, he stared at the new couple.

"I missed it, didn't I?" Evan asked.

I nodded my head. "It's okay."

"Not really. Retake the scene!" Evan shouted.

"Fuck no!" Tyler shouted back making us all laugh.

"Minicat! Minicat!" Evan yelled.

Then we all started shouting it. Tyler looked like he wanted to kill us for doing this. Craig looked at Tyler and kissed him. We all laughed.

"Okay guys, now it's your turn." Craig told us.

"Yeah right." Nogla said.

"It's only fair, Nogla." Lui said before kissing Daithi.

"H20Vanoss!" Craig yelled at Vanoss and me.

"Okay." I said.

I got up off the bed and walked over to Evan. I leaned over, ready to kiss him. Before I could touch his lips, he touched mine. I was waiting just to kiss him. It felt so heartwarming.

"Enough you two, we just wanted a simple kiss." Lui laughed.

Evan and I departed. If they weren't here, the possibility of me doing more than just a simple kiss.
It's short, but I wanted to post on Halloween. Oh and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Thank for reading. Vote and comment. Also, I going to do a shout out. Four lucky people will win. All you have to do is comment your favorite part of this book so far.

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