chapter 1

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"IN what year, Einstein," asked the history teacher, "did the
Prussians defeat the French at Waterloo?"
"I don't know, sir,"
"Why don't you know? You've been told it often enough."
"I must have forgotten."
"Did you ever try to learn?" asked Mr Braun.
"No, sir," Albert replied with his usual unthinking honesty.
"Why not?"
"I can't see any point in learning dates. One can always look
them up in a book."
Mr Braun was speechless for a few moments.
"You amaze me, Einstein," he said at last. "Don't you realise
that one can always look most things up in books? That applies
to all the facts you learn at school."
"Yes, sir."
"Then I suppose you don't see any point in learning facts."
"Frankly, sir, I don't," said Albert.
"Then you don't believe in education at all?"
"Oh, yes, sir, I do. I don't think learning facts is education."

ALBERT EINSTEIN AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now