chapter 6

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"You can take it that way if you wish, Einstein." The head
teacher was not mincing words. "The simplest thing will be for
you to go of your own accord, and then the question won't arise."
"But," said Albert, "what crime have I committed?"
"Your presence in the classroom makes it impossible for the
teacher to teach and for the other pupils to learn. You refuse to
learn, you are in constant rebellion, and no serious work can be
done while you are there."
Albert felt the medical certificate almost burning a hole in
his pocket.
"I was going to leave, anyway," he said.
"Then we are in agreement at least, Einstein," the head said.
For a moment Albert was tempted to tell the man what he
thought of him and of his school. Then he stopped himself.
Without another word, holding his head high, he stalked out.
"Shut the door after you!" shouted the head.
Albert ignored him.
He walked straight on, out of the school where he had spent
five miserable years, without turning his head to give it a last
look. He could not think of anyone he wanted to say goodbye to.
Indeed, Yuri was almost the only person in Munich he felt
like seeing before he left the town he had come to hate almost
as much as the school. Elsa was back in Berlin, and he had no
other real friends.
"Goodbye-and good luck," said Yuri when he left. "You
are going to a wonderful country, I think. I hope you will be
happier there."


ALBERT EINSTEIN AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now