chapter 5

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"I don't really know how to describe my trouble, Dr Weil," he
"Don't try," said the young doctor with a friendly smile. "Yuri
has already given me a history of the case."
"Oh! What did he say?"
"Only that you want me to think you have had a nervous
breakdown, and say that you mustn't go back to that school."
"Oh dear." Albert's face fell. "He shouldn't have told you that."
"Why not? Isn't it true, then?"
"Yes, that's the trouble. Now you'll say there's nothing wrong
with me, and you'll tell me to go back to school."
"Don't be too sure of that," said the doctor. "As a matter of
fact I am pretty sure you are in a nervous state about that school."
"But I haven't told you anything about it," said Albert, wideeyed.
"How can you know that?"
"Because you wouldn't have come to see me about this if
you hadn't been pretty close to a nervous breakdown, that's
why. Now," said the doctor briskly, "if I certify that you have
had a nervous breakdown, and must stay away from school for
a while, what will you do?"
"I'll go to Italy," said Albert. "To Milan, where my parents are."
"And what will you do there?"
"I'll try to get into an Italian college or institute."
"How can you, without a diploma?"
"I'll ask my mathematics teacher to give me something about
my work, and perhaps that will be enough. I've learnt all the
maths they teach at school, and a bit more," he added when
Dr Weil looked doubtful.
"Well, it's up to you," he said. "I doubt if it will come off, but
I can see you're not doing yourself or anyone else much good by
staying here. How long would you like me to say you should
stay away from school? Would six months be all right?"
"This is very kind of you."
"It's nothing. I've only just stopped being a student myself,
so I know how you feel. Here you are." Dr Weil handed him the
certificate, "And the best of luck."
"How much..."
"Nothing, if you have anything to spare, invite Yuri to a meal.
He's a good friend of mine, and yours too, I think,"
Albert had no money to spare, but he pretended he had and
took Yuri out to supper.

ALBERT EINSTEIN AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now