chapter 4

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"I can't imagine a doctor saying that," said Yuri.
"I must try," said Albert, "to find a doctor who specialises in
"There are plenty of them," Yuri told him. He hesitated for a
moment, and then added, rather reluctantly, "I'll ask some of
the students if they know one, if you like."
"Will you? Oh, thank you, Yuri," Albert's eyes were shining.
"Wait a moment, I haven't found one yet..."
"Oh, but you will!"
"And if I do I don't know if he'll be willing to help you..."
"He will, he will," declared Albert. "I'm going to have a real
nervous breakdown, to make it easier for him." He laughed
"I've never seen you looking less nervous," remarked Yuri.
"A day or two at school will soon put that right." Albert
assured him.
Certainly he had lost his high spirits when Yuri saw him next.
"I can't stand it any longer," he said, "I really shall have a
nervous breakdown that will satisfy any doctor."
"Keep it up, then," said Yuri. "I've found a doctor for you."
"You have?" Albert's face lit up. "Oh, good. When can I see
"I have an appointment for you for tomorrow evening." Yuri
said. "Here's the address."
He handed Albert a piece of paper.
"Doctor Ernst Weil-is he a specialist in nervous troubles?"
asked Albert.
"Not exactly," Yuri admitted. "As a matter of fact he only
qualified as a doctor last week. You may even be his first patient!"
"You knew him as a student, then?"
"I've known Ernst for years." Yuri hesitated for a few
moments. "He's not a fool," he warned Albert.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't try to pull the wool over his eyes1, that's all. Be frank
with him, but don't pretend you've got what you haven't. Not that
you'd deceive anyone." Yuri added. "You're the world's worst liar."
Albert spent the next day wondering what to tell the doctor.
When the time arrived for his appointment he had worried over
it so much that he really was quite nervous.

ALBERT EINSTEIN AT SCHOOLWhere stories live. Discover now