When he is drunk- part 2

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Minho- you and Minho are at a party and you notice he is drunk so you decide to go home. "Come on Minho, we're going home. You need to go to bed honey." You say. "Awwww, but baaaabbbbee weeere having soooo much fuuuuunnn!" Minho slurred. As you dragged him out of the bar he started to mumble things you couldn't hear properly. "When I wasss in da bar this hot British giiirrlll was there and she tried toooo hit oon me and I waaas liiike 'NO. I'm taken bitch!' He said proudly but drunk. "Um... Hon, that was Newt..." You reply as you get into their car. Minho looks confused but then turns to you and says "I looovve yooou Y/N..." And suddenly he started to snore loudly. You sigh and said "I love you too."

There will be a part 3. I'm just trying to think for one about Gally. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them!


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