The Trap

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~Erza's POV~

Still on the train

   Gray and Natsu were sleeping, they were in the same side of the booth, Lucy was on the same side as me. Lucy was talking about something, I just kept nodding. "This trip is gonna take a while since this village is far away." I said. Natsu groaned while still sleeping. Lucy laughed,  "Poor Natsu." She said. "She LLLLLLLIKES HIM." Happy said. "Shut up you Baka!" She yelled. "Lucy calm down your gonna wake them up." I said, she nodded. Gray is facing the window, still sleeping, Natsu is sitting upside down feeling sick, probably not even sleeping anymore. Then I looked up I saw that blue hair, Jellal,"I uhhh have to go to the bathroom." I said leaving. I caught up to him but, when he turned the other way it wasn't him. I sighed, "Sorry, I thought you were a person I know..." I mumbled. The person nodded and walked off. I haven't seen Jellal in such a long time... I made my way back to our booth and sat down,"Pshhhh" I hear when I sit down, I feel a whoopee cushion. Happy was on the edge of cracking up, I shoot a glare he and Lucy start to get scared,"U-uhhh Erza It was just a joke...hehe." Lucy said nervously laughing. "Whatever..." I mumbled tossing the whoopee cushion to her,"EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" She screamed. "Uhhh... why're so loud?" Gray groaned, his eyes still closed. "Are we there yet?" Natsu said sickly. "I'm sorry folks, we have to stop for about 1 day because the train station has to do a check on all of the trains." The conductor said over the speakers, we came to a stop. "Natsu we stopped why're you still sick?" Happy asked. "I-IT'S wobbling." He replied. "Okay guys, we'll have to find a hotel to stay in for the night." I said, standing up. Lucy got Natsu and walked out the train car. I looked over to Gray, his eyes were dazed looking out the window, he was still awake but, deep in thought. "Gray, come on lets go." I said. He looked up,"Y-yeah." He said getting up, until the train car started moving. "Why's it moving?" He asked. "I don't know come on." I said, walking towards the conductor's train car. 

Gray's POV

When I opened the door, to the conductor's car, there was a person tied up, who I'm guessing is the conductor, and there was two masked people controlling the train. "Ice make... Lance!" I said ice then attacked them."Erza figure out a way to stop the train!" I said. She nodded and went to the controls. The 2 masked people were focusing on me, "Ice make floor!" I yelled they dodged it. "Dammit.." I mumbled. They came towards me, they didn't use magic just knives. The train stopped, throwing them a little back, perfect. "Ice make sword!" I yelled, a sword was made and I ran towards them, but they got up quicker than I expected. I hit the one on my right but the one on my left hit me and he one on my right hit me when he got back up. "Ahhh..." I groaned. I held where they stabbed me, it was deeper than I expected, why is my magic power getting weak all of a sudden? The one that I hit had a pretty deep wound too, Erza then said, "Requip!" She changed into her Clear Heart Clothing (Picture on the top!). With the two blades she hit both of them and mumbled,"If you hurt my friends you have to go through me." She then looked at me, my vision blurred, "Gray? Are you okay? Gray?" Then blackness, for some reason I'm always used to this part, just black no dream, nothing... But then...


"Gray... Gray" I heard a familiar voice it seemed distant but warm. "Ul?" I called. She appeared, she was with Lyon, still young. I watched from a distance, wait this is my town, destroyed. "Ul? What're we looking for?" Lyon asked. "Survivors." She replied. They kept walking I followed, they were walking around my destroyed block. Is this really what happened? Lyon was looking at my neighbors house, Ul was looking around my destroyed house. Then she spotted me or my younger self and yelled,"Lyon we have a survivor here!" He immediately ran towards Ul, I was standing next Ul... "Ul I miss you..." I whispered. Lyon and Ul pulled my young self, who was still unconscious. My past self slowly opened his eyes. "A-are you okay?" Lyon asked. I looked at my past self, I was broken, well I'm less broken now. I was still next to Ul looking at her looking at my young self. Black slowly started to take over my vision,  "Ul, Mom,Dad... I miss you." I mumbled as I felt myself slowly going back to consciousness.

End Dream

~Erza's POV~

"Lucy I don't think those were any ordinary knives." I said. She nodded, "Guys we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Natsu yelled. "Natsu, let's just lay low for a bit, we don't know who these people are..." I said, looking over to Gray. Gray was in one of the beds in Fairy Tail's infirmary, he's been there for one day now and hasn't woken up. "Whatever... You and I know we can't just do nothing..." Natsu mumbled standing up getting the seat near Gray's bed.  "Wait, if they wanted to they could've stabbed me but, they only went after Gray... but why?" I asked no one in particular. "Did it have to do something about the mission.?" Lucy asked. Happy was just sitting next to Natsu, both of them looking at Gray.  Juvia rushed in, yesterday she came at the exact same time,"How is Gray-sama?" She asked sadly. "He's getting somewhat better." Mira came in with tea and cookies. "Does anyone want one?" She asked, no one responded.  "I'll leave them on the table if anyone wants any." She said, placing them on Gray's bed side table. Juvia stood next to Natsu, and looked at Gray sadly she sat in the chair next to Natsu and held Gray's hand. Natsu stood up and left Happy followed, you can tell he was upset, even though Gray was his arch nemesis he cared. Gray started to turn, Juvia looked up. "Ul..." He said, almost not even audible. "I miss you..." He said louder. His eyes were still closed, still unconscious. When will he wake up?

SO Cliffhanger...  Yay!!! Sorry guys, Happy Halloween well it's 1 am so technically Halloween is over... Whatever. See ya Later!

~Grace :3

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