Chapter 6

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Lyon's POV

I walked into the infirmary where there was 2 beds on each side of the room. Gray was in the one nearest to the window, he was asleep and didn't look like he was in any pain.

"Gray what happened to you?" I ask no one in particular.

"Juvia doesn't exactly know what happened to Gray-sama..." I heard a voice say.

I turned around to see the most prettiest woman in the world, Juvia. My heart started to race, but then I remembered she loves Gray.

"Juvia?" I managed to get out.

"But I know *sniff* that he'll be just fine... I know it." Juvia choked out.

I get up towards her and hug her, for Gray I will take care of her... For Gray...

Gajeel's POV

That dammed Juvia leaving me all alone with Levy... She knew something is going on between Levy and me, is that why she left? I sigh and look out the train window and then I just remembered we are in a train, a moving vehicle, I start to gag and hold my stomach. But I felt a hand stroke my hair, and I realized it was Levy's hand, then I started to doze off.

Erza's POV

"Circus Night is a dark guild that Gray had to fight to protect his friend, before he joined Fairy Tail. And long story short they were heavy rivals with Fairy Tail at that time, they took Wakaba and Fairy Tail came to rescue him, and Gray was there battling the guild master." The master said.

"What do they want with him now?" I asked to myself.

"Revenge I guess... Circus Night was captured by the Council but, just recently the Magic Council was under attacked so it is temporarily disbanded." He explained.

"So that means-" I was cut off by someone barging in.

"MASTER we're under attack!" It was Macao.

"Erza..." The master sighed. "I got it." I muttered and ran out.

Lucy's POV

Natsu, Happy, and I were walking around a lot and decided to stop and eat lunch at a local restaurant. But Natsu wasn't chowing down his food like he normally does, he just sat there playing with his food with his fork while Happy ate all the raw fish on his plate(s). This is really affecting Natsu more than I thought.

"Natsu are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said and put a wide grin on his face and started filling his face full of food.

I smiled and ate my food when I over heard an "interesting conversation".

"Haha yeah we totally beat up that kid that picked up a fight with the master way back." One  guy said.

"Ha yeah thanks to the magic council being disbanded Circus Night is back!" Another guy said.

"The magic council, disbanded?" I asked quietly to Natsu.

Natsu shrug his shoulders and said, "Whatever happened, I know the scent of the guys who attacked Gray, and that's them all right." He stood up and walked over to the table they were sitting at.

"You guys attacked my comrade and I won't accept that!" Natsu yelled, before they could answer he yelled, "Fire dragon ROAR!" And he blew the fire blowing them away.

A few of them fell down but a some were still standing ready to fight. I realized I should help too.

"Gate of the Archer, I open thee! Sagittarius!" I chant holding Sagittarius's key

"Sagittarius shoot them!" I yell.

"Moshi Moshi!" he says as he appears and shoot all of them without missing.

And when I turn around I see Natsu grabbing one of the members of "Circus Night". Natsu was saying something he had a kind of rage in his eyes and dropped the guy roughly on the ground and ran out.

"Natsu..." Happy mumbled as he flew over, I closed Sagittarius's gate thanking him while running off.

When I finally caught up to him we ended up at the guild hall.

"Natsu what's happen-" But there was an unusual silence coming from the guild.

Now that I looked closer, everyone was worn out and the guild hall was more of a mess than it already was.

I tried finding out what was wrong, that's when I noticed the infirmary door was wide open and a certain ice mage was gone.

To Be Continued...

HAHAHAHA I am an evil person... I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED! Please forgive me! I was so caught up with my other stories and procrastination was in play too, but HERE IT IS! I'll try my best to update more, until then!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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