Chapter 3

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Juvia's POV

Gray sama has been unconscious for 5 days now.  He has been calling for his mom and dad and Ul. He and I talked before about what happened to him. He must be having dreams about them, I've been visiting him after my jobs everyday now. 

"Good Morning, Juvia!" Mira says walking in with food and tea. 

"Good Morning!" I say some what looking at her. "Are you going on a job today?" Mira asks putting the plate on the bedside table.

I shake my head, no. I feel like if I leave something will happen, like Gray sama will wake up. Mira sadly looks at Gray and says,"Juvia, he seems to be getting better, I'm sure he will wake up soon..." 

I look at her and smile,"That's good..." I turn back at Gray Sama... Whoever did this I will get revenge, Gray sama...

"I'll be back soon... Call me or Master if anything happens..." She says turning towards the door. "Okay..." I mumble. 

"Juvia?" I turn to Gray sitting up on the bed, holding his stomach.

Natsu's POV

Lucy and I just finished a job and we're heading home, thankfully it was walking distance meaning there was no train involved. 

"Natsu, are you okay? You've been acting weird lately." Lucy asks worried. "I'm fine, let's just get back to the guild hall." I say in a happy tone. 

We walked in the guild, I walk up to where Lucy, Happy, and I usually sit.

I over hear something from Wakaba and Macao that made me so happy.

"Have you heard?" Wakaba asked Macao. "What?" Macao said. "Gray woke up, but no one is allowed to come in the infirmary yet." Wakaba said quietly. 

I stood up, without telling Lucy or Happy anything I raced for the infirmary. I try to open the door but its locked. I burn the door open and jump in. 

"Natsu I've told you already quit burning down the doors in the guild!" The master said angrily. "I'm sorry, Gramps but I thought the ice stripper woke up and-" I said but then saw Gray sitting up on the infirmary bed, looking at me with his smirk. 

"So you finally woke up ice princess, I thought we had to get Juvia to kiss you are somethin'" I said grinning. He still is smirking but I could see a pink tint on his face, he does like Juvia! Juvia turned all red and turned away mumbling, "Love rival..." Over and over again.

"Natsu what's going-...... Gray!" Lucy yelled running over to him and hugged him, my eyes twitched. Happy looked at me evilly, I pushed him away. 

Gray's POV

I open my eyes to see a white ceiling. I'm so used to see this white ceiling of the guild infirmary. I look around, What Happened?, I see Juvia looking out the door for some reason, "Juvia?" I ask, she immediately turns toward me. 

"Gray sama!" She exclaims hugging me tight. I put my head over her's and say,"What happened?" Everything is a blur, what happened for me to be here? All I remember is Erza, Lucy, Natsu, and I went on a mission to my old village. 

"Uhh. The train you guys were riding was attacked Erza and you tried to fight them but, they got to you , but Erza got them... They're in jail now..." Juvia mumbled, she looked me in the eye and said,"I'm glad you're okay now." 

We were still hugging until, Mira walked in and dropped her plate she was holding and said,"Hi Gray... Are you feeling better?" She slowly got the plate off the floor.

"Yeah, I feel better..." I said scratching my head.

 Mira nodded and walked out probably getting Gramps. "How long was I out for?" I ask.

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