Chapter 5

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Natsu's POV

I keep walking, not looking back, until I hear Lucy's voice.

"NATSU WAIT!" She yells, I stop, still not looking back.

"Natsu, I'm coming with you, I want to find out why those two dudes did this to Gray too." Lucy says still behind me.

Happy's voice says, "Aye! You're not the only one who is upset about this!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." I say looking back.

"LET'S GO!" I scream, raising my fist in the air.

Gray's POV

"Dammit Natsu" I over hear Gramps say.

I'm still sitting up in the infirmary bed, I try to stand up but immediately fall back onto the bed.

"Ughhh" I groan, I law back and try to listen more.

Erza walks in the guild and asks, "What's going on?"

"Natsu left and I'm pretty sure he's gonna do something stupid." Gramps sighs.


"Gray we need to talk." Gramps said

"What about?" I say.

"About why those two men attacked you." He says sitting down.

End Flashback

"Gray? Hello?" Erza shakes her hand in front of me.

"Uh yeah, so Natsu left?" I ask trying to get my thoughts somewhere else.

"Lucy and the he-cat went with him." Carla said crossing her arms.

I nod and see Cana walking over to the infirmary bed.

"Gray, your clothes." Cana says.

I look down and see that I have my clothes on. "What do you mean? I have my clothes on." I say

"That's the problem, why aren't you taking your clothes off?" says putting her hands on her hips.

"I uh don't know." I scratch my head.


"Wh-what do you mean?" I say.

"Those two men are a part of Circus Knight..." Gramps says.

I sit in the bed in shock, how did they find me?

End Flashback

Juvia's POV

I walk out the guild and meet up with Levy, Gajeel, and Lily.

"Okay you guys ready?" Levy asked cheerfully.

I look back to the guild, through the infirmary window, the master is in there talking with Gray. No Juvia, Gray-Sama  wouldn't want you to worry.

"Yeah." I say looking forward.

Then I see Levy and Gajeel pointing at a map to see where we are going to go, they are really close. Something tells me I'll be a third wheel in this mission.

Erza's POV

Gray quickly feel asleep after our conversation. But Wendy and Carla decided to stay in the room just in case something happens. I am at a table about to dig into a strawberry cake until...

"WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE" Which makes me drop my delicious treat on the floor.

I turn around to see Lyon was there, the master was talking to him, but he was still looking around, probably for Gray.

I stand up leaving my smashed cake, trying to get closer to them talking.

"What do you mean?... Circus Knight?...How did they?..." Was all I can get out of the conversation.

"Well, can I please see Gray?" Lyon finally says.

"Yes he is in the infirmary, right over there." The master points him to the right direction.

"So who's Circus Knight?" I ask hands on my hips.

The master looks around to see if anyone's listening, "Let's go somewhere more private." He says.

To Be Continued...

Hi! I am alive yes... Anyway I'm sorry this one is short I was planning to do a longer chapter, but school... Yeah but, I will try to update better and I'm sorry! I'll update hopefully next week! And thank you PokeTail for sharing your ideas with me.


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