The Run Down

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                        Devin parked outside Beans house house and turned the car off. Shortly after, Pmoney and the rest of the crew pulled up behind him. After killing Felicia's ass and weeks of tracking down Beans, here they were. Devin grabbed the black ski mask and slipped it over his face. All he kept thinking about was Maurice. Maurice was like a brother to him and Beans fuckin executed him. Devin sighed while loading up his pistol with casings. He was planning to unload the whole clip on Beans, and whoever else was in the house.

              He opened up the car door and stepped out. Dress down in black jeans, a black sweatshirt with hoodie and black ACG boots. Pmoney and the gang got out the car and met up with each other. They went over the rules quickly. Andy and Marcus went behind the house incase anybody ran out, Stoney and Rob circled the house, Breon sliced the security wires and broke the security system while Pmoney and Devin walked right through the front door. It was dark as hell up in this bitch.

              Devin pointed to the left side of him while Pmoney nodded and went in the assigned direction to see if anybody was in the house. Devin tiptoed throughout the dark living room with his gun drawn and his finger itching. Pmoney came back once the coast was clear and Devin opened each door. All of them were empty. Finally, he approached the last bedroom door on the right. From under the door Devin seen a bright light so he knew people was in there. On three, him and Pmoney barged in the door.

               "Oh shit!" Beans said pushing the naked redbone chick off him. The bitch screamed while using a thin sheet to wrap up her naked body. Beans grabbed his shorts and slipped them on. Pmoney grabbed up the whore and held the pistol to her head so she wouldn't get brave and try to do some shit.

                 "Who the fuck is you?" Beans asked.

                 Devin chuckled and removed the ski mask showing off his face. He wanted Beans to know exactly who he was. Beans eyes widened in shock. "Your worst fuckin nightmare." Devin answered, using the same words Beans used when he set him up.

"Come on man! I thought we settled this." Beans sighed.

"You killed my fuckin brother nigga and almost ended my life. No matter if I spent years not doin shit, you should've known I was comin back for you." Devin said tightening the grip on his gun.

"Listen. I have money, cars, drugs, you name it. Whatever you want you could have it. Just don't kill me. I have kids." Beans copped plea.

Devin showed no sympathy, "Yeah Maurice had kids too, two little girls and a newborn son."

"Man lets just settle this. You could have it all, just don't kill me." Beans continued to beg.

"A'right take me to your stash," Devin said after agreeing.

Beans walked with his hands in the air so Devin could see them. Pmoney smiled at Devin and continued to hold the girl down at gun point while Devin followed Beans to some secluded room. He watched as Beans opened the safe and took out drugs and stacks of money, all hundreds.

"That's a million worth of work and about eighty thousand right there." Beans answered.

"Put it in a bag!" Devin ordered.

Beans grabbed a duffle bag and filled it up with all his emergency money and drugs. He handed the bag to Devin and watched as he flung it over his shoulder.

"This one is for Maurice, me, and his family." Devin said before sending eight shots through Beans head. He watched as Beans heavy set body fell on the floor and gushed out blood. His eyes were open but his face was blank. Devin continued to shoot while thinking about the hell this damn nigga caused him.

            Pmoney killed off the bitch and ran back into the room to find his day one nigga, still shooting a dead man. "Come on man, he's done. Let's get outta here before someone come."

              "....Bitch." Devin said before putting back on the ski mask and fleeing the scene with the gang.


           On the other side of town

                 Chanel laid uncomfortably on the couch watching The Real while eating a pint of chocolate ice cream. It was a little passed one in the morning and Devin still wasn't home. He hadn't called or even sent a text. She was really worried. She watched as Tamar was being her usual overly ghetto self, talking the loudest and cutting everyone off. Adrienne Bailon was so cute, Tamara was looking gorgeous like always and the Asian woman was quiet since they were on the topic of African American relationships. She cuddled up on the couch and rubbed her stomach, she was now two months away from delivering her son.

The last couple of months has been pure calm. Chanel loved the whole idea of motherhood and pregnancy. She got used to walking around with her huge belly. She loved the feeling of her son swimming around in her body. His kicks felt amazing. His heart beats were strong and music to her ears. This baby was coming soon and she honestly couldn't wait. Just as she was about to fall asleep, the door opened and Devin walked in, wearing all black. He removed his ski mask and walked over to his pregnant fiancé.

              She lifted herself up and rubbed her hard stomach while looking at Devin. "Where you been?"

            "I was out handlin business ma," He answered nonchalantly.

          Chanel sighed. "Devin I'm seven months pregnant and all you fuckin do is handle business. You always leave me at home doing nothing. You never take me anywhere. I only go places when I'm with my friends or if I get tired of being cooped up in the house. I'm starting to think you ashamed of me or something. Is it cause I'm all fat and pregnant?"

          Devin chuckled. It wasn't because he was ashamed of Chanel or something, cause he loved her no matter how she looked. But it just wasn't the same with her being pregnant. He couldn't tell her to put on a sexy small ass dress and take her out to the city until three in the morning. He couldn't party with her or nothing. He wasn't into all that lame date shit.

            "Hell nah I ain't ashamed of you Chanel, don't ever say that shit."

            "Well you have a good way of showing that and why do I smell blood?" She said searching Devins attire finding blood on his black ACG leather boots.

           Devin chuckled and scanned at where Chanel was looking. He realized he had Beans' blood on his boots. He stood up and sighed, taking the boots off and throwing them in the garbage.

             "Did you kill him?" Chanel asked.

             "...Yeah," Devin sighed, knowing this was about to start an argument.

       "Your the dumbest person ever! That damn dude knew everyone. Once it gets out that you're the one that killed him, mad niggas are gonna come for you tryna kill you. You've just put me and your son in harms way." She argued.

               "Chanel calm down real shit. Niggas know who daughter you is and who girl you is so they'd be dumb as fuck to try some shit on you. Don't even trip."

           "Whatever Devin. There's food on the stove for you tho. I'm going to bed goodnight." She said with attitude while picking up her blanket and going upstairs in their room.

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