Chapter 3: The Morning After

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The irritating and constant buzzing of something woke me up. I groaned shifting over on my king sized canopy bed. What the hell is that? I thought. I groaned again, louder because the buzzing noise wouldn't stop. "Shut up!" I yelled at whatever it was, hoping the ratchet noise would stop, but it didn't. I groaned sitting myself up. I combed my hair out my face as I looked around to see what the buzzing noise was. I soon realized it was my alarm clock. I blow out air and reached over to my night stand and shut it off. 

I sat up and immediately pain rushed to my head. I groaned as I massaged my temples. Damn hang over. My feet touched down on the cold wooden floor. I slowly stood up, then stretched. I drug myself into my connected bathroom and got a bottle of Tylenol out of the medicine cabinet. I poured two into my hand and swallowed them, without water. The pain in my head had me feeling dizzy. I wanted to get back in bed and sleep it off, but I have a photoshoot and an interview with a major magazine. 

The hot shower I had taken got me feeling much better, then when I had woken up. I don't remember much about last night, just that Chris Brown and I were dancing a hell of a lot together. It was nice. 

Suprisingly Chris Brown didn't come off to me as an asshole the papazarri portrays him to be. Unless he was putting up a big front. I highly doubt it though. The Chris Brown I was dancing with and talking to all night I wouldn't mind getting to know a lot more. A smile spread across my face just thinking of him. 

"Good morning Princeton" I said to my cat as he rubbed up against my leg. "Hungry, Princeton?" I asked looking down at him. He purred and jumped up on the counter top where I was cooking breakfast. "No, baby I'm cooking right now" I told him and put him back on the floor where he belonged.  

Princeton jumped on the sofa and laid down next me to me as I ate breakfast. I looked over at him and smiled. "Satisfied, Princeton?" I asked my cat as he purred, loudly as I rubbed under his chin. Suddenly the door bell rung. My head snapped towards the front door. "Now, who could that be?" I asked myself getting off of the couch, walking towards the front door. 

I looked through the peep hole and saw my manager Kenneth. I smiled and opened the door. "What are you doing here, this early?" I asked him. He smirked and walked in slightly pushing past me. I closed the door, locking it and spun around on my heels to him. 

"I came to check in on you. You were wasted last night" He told me, like I didn't already know from the killer headache I had. "Well, aren't you sweet Kenny bear" I said, smiling big. That's why I loved Kenny so much, he reminded me of my first manager. Caring, sweet and very funny. We walked into my living room and sat down. I sat on my legs and propped my head up on my hand. "How messed up was I?" I asked him, concerned that I may have made an complete ass off myself in front of majority of the hottest black celebrities. 

"Just a little, not to where you were making a ass out of yourself. You and Chris Brown were sure chatting it up though. Almost looked like a couple" "Oh, god I hope I wasn't talking his ear off. I been told I get talkative when I've had too many" "I know I was the one that told you" He said, then chuckled. I smiled, rolling my eyes. "But, hey I got good news" And that is?" "Russell Simmons wants you to advertise a line of women swin wear he's coming out with" "Really!" I squealed, rocking back and forth against him as I shook his arm. He chuckled. "Yes, really, now can I have my arm back?" "Oh, sorry" I smiled, letting his arm go. 

"Nice, nice, nice, Jasmine honey keep that look" Emmanuel my photographer said. He snapped a few pictures. "I need film! Assistant!" Emmanuel shouted. A short asian woman run up to him. "I. Need. Film. Got. Damnit!" I stayed still as Nadia, my make up stylist touched up my makeup. I'm not liking this photographer, he's very rude towards his personal assistant. Poor woman has to work for an asshole like him. 

Okay, people we're switching locations. Jasmine you know what to do" Emmanuel said, pointing his elbow towards the models dressing room. I walked in the dressing and quickly changed in the nude bikini that was laid out for me. After I was in the bikini I walked outside and was ordered to get in the pool with a male model. 

The photoshoot went along well, except for the time I wanted to tell Emmanuel he can shove his camera up his tight ass. I was changing back into my clothes when someone lightly knocked at the door. "Come in, I'm done" I told the person on the other side of the door. The door slowly opened and in walked Chris Brown. I smiled. 

"Hey, Jasmine" He said, smirking at me. "Hey, Chris. What you doing here?" I asked me curiously. "I came to return this to you" He said, then held up a black clutch hand bag. My bag. I must of left it behind at Russell's party last night. "Thank you" I said, taking it. "How you know I was here?" "I got my ways" He said, smiling. "My IG?" He chuckled and nodded his head. I giggled a bit. "Since I'm here and you look to be leaving you want to get something to eat?" I hesitated for a second, then nodded my head, smiling up at him. 

I put my clutch bag in my big purse and hit the lights on in the dressing room before leavng out behind Chris. "Oh, wait I came here with Kenny" I said, almost forgetting about him. "Oh, where is he?" Soon as he asked Kenny was walking up to us. He smiled when he saw Chris standing net to me. "Someone got it bad for you Jasmine" Kenny teased. Chris and I laughed a bit. 

"I came to give her her purse that she left at the party last night" Chris told him. "How you know she was here?" He asked Chris, curious just like I was when I asked. "I posted a few pictures on IG, with the name of the photography studio I was at. But, now he taking me out to lunch" "Oh.." Kenny gave me a look, then pulled me to the side. "He likes you?" "Yeah, I know" I said, blushing. "You know his reputation, if you get involved with him be careful" He said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "I know Kenny bear and I will" I told him and walked back over to Chris. He reached out for my hand, I held his hand as we walked out the studio.

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