Chapter 4: Paparazzi Madness

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Once we outside the building I waved for my bodyguard Pat over who was leaning against my car. Never know if a fan was some way waiting to attack me or something. I had it happen a few times. He sped walked over as the paparazzi began to surround Jasmine and I. We both held our heads down, out the cameras eye.

"Chris is that your new model girlfriend" A man asked. I ignored all the millions of questions as I led Jasmine to my car, with Pat's help. I opened the door for Jasmine, told Pat to follow behind me, then got in on the driver side. "Chris what's your female friends name?" Someone asked, snapping pictures of Jasmine on the passenger side. 

"Get away from the car!" I heard Pat yell, but of course the paparazzi didn't listen. They continued to snap pictures of Jasmine and I. I pulled off, headed to the restaurant. "I bet I'm on gonna be on TMZ be the end of the week" Jasmine said, followed by a giggled. "The camera loves you, a beautiful face" I said, then winked at her.

She playfully rolled her eyes as her face turned red. I slowly stopped at a red light and looked at her hair. She soon looked at me and arched a eyebrow. "What?" She asked. I ran my fingers through her hair. "Is this your natural hair color?" "Yeah, why?" "It fits you" She smiled. "Thank you" She blushed. The light turned green and I pulled off. 

When I pulled up to the restaurant it was a group of young girls hanging around outside of it. I looked in the rearview mirror just as Pat car was pulling up behind mine. He stepped out his car, came up to my car, then I got out. "Chris Brown! That's Chris Brown!" One girl screamed, then they all ran up to me. I did my thing, signed the shirts. They left satisfied.

I held Jasmine hand as we walked in Rico's. I only known this girl two days and I'm already holding her hand like she's my girl. I never do this. Well, not going to say never, because I have before, just not in a long while. Yeah I had girls I messed with as in slept with, but I never held their hands.


"Will you dye your hair blonde? I think it looks nice on you" Jasmine said twirling her spoon in her soup. "You think so? I only did that because I wanted something different" I have gotten a lot of compliments on my blonde hair on Twitter and Instagram from fans. "You should do it again" She said, then smiled.

"Why you playing around with your food? You don't like it?" She frowned looking down at her bowl of soup. "Honestly, no" She made the cutest pouty face. I chuckled. Then why you choose it?" "It looked good on the menu, but it taste like poo" I chuckled again as I bit into my cheese burger. 

"I can take you somewhere else, if you're still hungry" "Want I really want I'm trying to stay away from" "What's that?" "Fried chicken" "Oh, you should know I'm a chef when it comes to cooking chicken" "One day you'll have to prove that to me" "I sure will. I'm leaving the state for a few days. You gone miss me?" She giggled. "Oh, yes I don't know how I will go on with you Christopher Brown" "You got jokes" I chuckled, then throw a balled up napkin at her. It missed and hit a waitress walking by. We both laughed. The waitress gave us ebil looks, but we kept laughing. 

"You cool, Jasmine" I said after our laughter died out. "You are too, Chris" "I'm surprised someone like you don't have a boyfriend" "I told you" "No you didn't" "Yes, I did" "No you didn't. I would remember" "I did, at Russell's party" I chuckled a bit, then got serious. I leaned in towards her a bit. "Jasmine you were drunk. How you gone remember what you told me" "Maybe it was you who were to drunk to remember that I told you I have a hectic schedule and no time for a man" "My schedule is hectic too, my schedule is more hectic than ours. All you do is pose for pictures" 

"Posing is majority of my career, but that is not all that I do" She said, with a bit of attitude. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. Chill, ma" "I'm chill" She said, crossing her arms across her chest. I smirked at her. Suddenly my phone began vibrating startling me. I andwered my phone without looking to see who it was. 

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