Chapter 1

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As Assassin's, we're supposed to fight for 'peace'. What is peace anyway? La paz es una estupidez. Thats what it is. Peace is given but never returned. Soy Sofía Andreas. Every assassin has a story right? Well mine is a bit different.

It was early in the morning. My parents were hiding me from something. The fear in their eyes...the shakiness in their voices. I knew, even at age 9 that something was wrong.

"Sofía.. ven aquí mi hija" My mom said as I slowly walked. I was terrified. No idea what was happening. I cried but my mother hushed me as I hugged my dad afraid and generally confused.
"Listen to mamá baby" she said softly.
"I don't know what could happen but you need to be safe do you understand?"
"Sí mamá."
My dad put a hood over my head it was kind of like theirs. I had seen hoods like their before but nothing like this. I heard gunshots as my eyes filled with tears. What was happening?
"Mamá..-" I started
"Recuerda todo lo que te he enseñado bebé. Sé fuerte. No dejes que te quitan!!" She screamed. She sounded empty. Like everything she had was being taken away. I didn't like the sound of it. It killed me. The last people I saw were a group. People who i thought would never do this to my family. People I considered 'heros' ugh. embustero. You may think I'm overreacting, but the people who killed my parents? Yeah, they were rogue assassins. I put my hood over my head and had my hidden blade in one hand, my gun in the other. As i was walking i put my head down to avoid this head strong looking Assassin.
"Going somewhere Miss?" He asked me. I looked beyond him and then met his eyes with mine.
"It does concern you.." I answered.
"Apparently it does Ms Andreas" He told me. I whipped around putting a gun to his head.
"Quién eres? How do you know my name?? I asked him, part of me ready to shoot, the other part of me curious at to what he wanted.
"Easy Sofía, don't die yet" He told me. I looked down to see his hidden blade activated and ready to kill. I let him go.
"I'm mamá and father were killed by a group of rogue Assassin's. I'm the only one left.." I explained to him as I followed in his direction.
"Where are we going?" I asked in curiosity.
"I'm gonna help you get to things : Revenge, and I will help you become an Assassin. He said.
"Who are you??" I asked wondering why anyone would want to help me get revenge.
"The names Jason." "C'mon let's go meet the Assassin's."

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