Triggered (Part 1)

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I'm going to make this into three short parts over the course of the next three days so I could get maybe 6 hours of sleep tonight. Next Part tomorrow.


"Are you going to inside first?" Nora says to me.

"Go. I want to surprise them." I say.


Nora hugs me. I take a knife out of my pocket and hold it tightly. Nora suddenly kisses my cheek. I throw the knife away.

"What was that sound?!" Nora says.

I turn Nora's face towards mine. We're super close. I feel our breaths mixing.

"Nothing... nothing." I say, "Just... um... go inside."

"Yes... Austin. I mean Iliana." She says.

She walks away and enters the house. I turn around and see the Tiger.

"Scare me once, not scaring me again." I say, "Look, I tried to kill her. But she distracted me goddammit."


"What?" Elise says, "What do you mean KILL Emma?"

"We need to kill her before she comes and kills us." I answer, "It's obvious! Iliana SUDDENLY disappeared after announcing her presidency?"

"Alex. You need to calm down. You can't go around pressing accusations just because you don't like Emma."

"You're right. I don't like Emma. Do you?"

"I don't... know, Alex."

"She labeled you Emma #3! Isn't that, like, derogatory?"

"Listen! She's just, nice to me. Kinda. If it weren't for her..."

Nora runs inside the kitchen, Elise immediately shoves her pancake in her mouth.

"Nora... what are you doing here? I thought you were done with this club?"

"I always come crawling back to Emma. And she does the same. Our relationship is a cycle." She says.

"Well." I say, "I think we should kill her. Break the cycle."

"That sounds like a great idea, sisters!" Someone says.

We all turn around. It was Macky. She stares at us, smiling. I immediately grab a knife.

"We need to kill Emma! I can help! Here's what to do."


I might just heard the best plan ever. I start to laugh at the explicit details Macky is saying. Emma definitely deserves it. That controlling whore. She's finally getting what she gave me. She's going to die. Tonight. I can't even remember why I joined this club. Wait...

2 Years Ago

"Eat bitch! Eat!" Someone yells.

Sitting at the dining room table, trying to eat thanksgiving dinner. I was engulfing a whole turkey. I'm not going to lie. I was morbidly obese back then. I didn't want to eat, it's just my mom wanted me to. Before we moved north, we were living in the good ol' Tennessee. Bigger was better. As I swallowed the whole turkey, my mom clapped.

"Nice meal, Ellie!" She says, "Now let's see your weight!'

She helped get me up and guided me towards the scale. I hopped on the scale. 453 pounds. I start to cry, and my mom does too.

"How the fuck did you lose 10 pounds?!" She says.

"I don't know!" I say.

Okay. I do know, I was trying to lose pounds because people didn't like me. They didn't like my shape. My mom did, and a few others. But not cool people, and certainly not myself. I was starving myself. I wanted to get in shape. My mom starts to clench my hair, and drag me towards the dining room table again. 

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