Chapter 7

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(Eva's POV)

"What on earth is going on here!" My dad screamed at all of us.

           No one answered so It was just so quiet you could hear a pin drop. After a few seconds we all looked at each other and scrambled to get up. We all got in a line according to age. Nate was first, Danny second, Alex third and than Me.

          "Well?" He said looking at Nate because he's the oldest. Nate stepped forward and cleared his throat.

            "Mhm well, it's all very complicated but to simplify it we were all being foolish." I'll give it to Nate he's mature when he has to be.

             "This is not a play ground, and you are not child. You lot with act your age or so help me there will be consequences. Am I understood?" He said to all of us. The power radiating off of him made us all lower our heads in shame. I don't know what's up with this man, but he always had some affect on us.

              "Yes father." The four of us said.

              My father sighed and ran a hand through his head. Now that I think about it, we all seem to do that. I guess I know where we get it from.

          "Nathaniel, are you ready?" My father asked looking over Nate.

          Now that I'm looking at him Nate looks really spiffy today. He had on some nice black Italian dress shoes, dark blue dress pants, a white long sleeved shirt with the cuffs folded. His hair was a bit messy because of his curls but nothing a run through with his fingers can't fix. He smelt really good, like Oak wood but stronger. He shaved, and he had on his watch that my father gave him when he turned 20.

              "Yes. Let me grab my coat and we can be on our way." With that Nate walked up the three storied house stair case and up to his room.  Leaving us with our dad.

            "Now, I want you three to clean up this house. It's a sty." He said looking around the room with a frown on his face. It wasn't till I looked around to that he was right.

             Shoes were every where, socks, the couch was moved, the table in the kitchen was flipped, some broken glass, and movies were all along the floor. I looked at it with a glare because I knew I was the only one who was actually going to clean it.

             I glared at my brothers who were looking at me, then at each other and they tried not to laugh. Key word TRIED.

             "Daniel, Alexander. Why are you laughing? You will also be helping your sister. I will ask you when I get back if they helped Evangeline and I do not want a lie, or else I will know. Clear?"
              Danny and alex had to be smartasses right now because they both replied
                 "Clear sir!" And saluted.

            I guess dad didn't appreciate that because he walked up to both of them and smack them behind the head.
I have to say, that made me want to laugh. Serves them right!

            "Without the Sarcasm boys" he said with a blank expression.

          "Yes sir" they replied while rubbing their heads. See? Cry baby's. He didn't even hit them hard!

            We heard Nate before we saw him and I had to whistle at him. I walked up to him and helped him re-fix his tie.

            "You look very handsome Nathaniel." And he did. The blue coat he wore went perfectly with him. Making his grey eyes pop out more.

            "Thanks Eva" he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

            "Let's head out. We don't want to be late." My dad said.  

            He and Nate walked to the front door and left to the limousine that was waiting for them. Dad has always had money. He doesn't tell us what he does, or how he gets so much. Then of course we never ask.

             Sighing I closed the door and turned to the twins who were looking at me with a straight face.

            "No. I don't care how 'mad' you are. I am not cleaning this by myself" I crossed my arms daring the idiots to say something.

              They stared at me for another minute and then gave up. Suckers, I almost caved.
             "Fine we'll help....." Alex started

     "But we're not picking up the stink bombs" Danny finished for his twin as they both made disgusted faces at me.

          "I'll pick up the stink bombs but I'm not doing anything else. Pick your poison ladies." Smirking at them as they groaned because they knew they had to clean more than me.

            "Why us? What did..." Danny said

             "We ever do..." Said Alex

              "To deserve this?" They both said. 

           They both turned to glare at each other because they hated finishing each other sentences.  I thought it was cute haha.

               "Stop that. Stop that! SHUTUP!!!!!" They both said to each other.

         "Oi! You're both pretty! Now shut it and get cleaning!"  I said annoyed because if I didn't play a long I wouldn't have to be on the verge of death trying not to smell Nates smelly socks! Seriously? Does he not clean these things?!  Screw this if I touch it I'll get infected.

                  I went to the cleaning supply closest and took out a mask, gloves, a trash bag, and those tongs you pick up trash with. Go ahead and think I'm crazy but until you smell them shutup.

              After about 20 minutes I was finally able to pick up all the socks without dying. It was only 10 pairs but I needed to take a break at one point because my vision was getting fuzzy. All due to the socks. Ill hire someone next time, because this is ridiculous!

           The boys manage to clean up everything and I had to say we are some good maids! The house looked brand new and  it actually smelled better.

           The boys and I decided to have movie night in the theater room. Yes, we have one which is great when friends are over. I wanted to watch 
Princess and The Frog but I got out voted. Figures.

               So instead we're watching Cry Baby with Johnny Depp in it. It's one of our favorites. So I grabbed the popcorn, Danny grabbed the drinks, and Alex went to go get the Blankets. We each have our own Bean bag chairs that are 3x it's normal size so it's basically a bed.
                  It feels weird not having Nate on my left hand side so I told Danny to move his chair. I like being surrounded by my brothers. It feels less lonely. I forgot I had left my cell phone on the counter and told the boys I'd be back.

                   I saw my phone, and grabbed it. I was heading up stairs to where I left my brothers when I heard a wolf howl. I sprinted back up stairs but crashed into my brothers since they came downstairs. I landed on Alex and I think my eyes were as big as saucers beside he saw me and hugged me super hard telling me it's ok.
           We decided to just forget it and watch the movie. Going up the stairs Alex was in front of me and Danny was behind me. I felt so much better when the movie came on.

        I just wish Nate was here. I hope he's having a little fun at that stupid meeting.



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