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Anders sighed and a wisp of his breath trailed out like a mabari trailing loyalty after its master. He pulled his threadbare clothes closer to himself for an attempt to get warmer. He looked round himself, caves had never been Anders favourite thing but when your the most wanted man in thedas you really don't get the privilege to pick where you sleep.

Anders thought about how he got from a rogue apostate to a murderous backstabber of the chantry, he thought about it for a few more moments and decided it all began and ended with the wardens.

The wardens were where the mess had started.
"but there is no more injustices to mages, the plight of the mages is gone and in replacement is freedom and justice." Justice boomed in Anders head.
Anders used to never be able to have conversations wit justice, justice used to be like a conscious Anders couldn't split his thoughts from justices but now... After the chantry.

It felt as if Anders and justice had been separated and now Anders was so full of regret for all those people. The guilt was killing him alone, but justice was still restless and to top it all off Templars and chantry were tracking him down and trying to make him tranquil. Anders shuddered at the thought.
Then again thought of his past life that he had left behind.

Hawke. That man, always dragging him to the armpits of Kirkwall to solve a mystery, Isabella with her smirk and wicked grace cards that somehow got into her breasts without anyone noticing, varric telling stories about Hawkes latest adventure with much exaggeration, merrill with her cheerfulness and nativity, and all there other party of merry friends that could make his life better.Maker be dammed he even missed Fenris! That broody elf that hated everything about him and Anders missed the blighted elf!

Anders touched the side of his face just to find himself crying. He sighed and got up, and made a small fire that spread warmth into his body it was the only thing he could find comfort in any more. His magic was pretty much the only thing keeping him sane.

"That's ironic Templars say magic makes people go insane." He chuckled mirthlessly too himself and lay down to get what would most likely be him stewing in his own thoughts for four hours before he goes to sleep then waking up because of warden nightmares.


Fenris woke up to the sound of a bar maid screaming he jumped up out of the chair he was sleeping in and went over too see a drunkard holding an elven girl by her throat and... Defiling her. Fenris walked over to the man as silent as death and with one hand grabbed the mans wrist and with his other his tattoos flared and he stuck his hand into the mans chest and grabbed his heart.

"If I were you I would keep my hands where they belong, to yourself." Fenris pushed he man away and he fell on his ass knocking over a table and himself out at the same time.
He lent down and helped the girl up.

"Thank you messer" she stuttered and pulled herself up.

Fenris made a dismissive grunt and looked back at her.
"Has anyone come through here that was out of the ordinary?... Slavers perhaps?"
She paused for a minute the nodded her head.
"Where did they go?" He asked.

"Up south messer to I think they were hoping to get a few more slaves before returning to tervinter."

Fenris chucked her some coin and headed out. He pulled his black cloak over his head and headed off following the trail that lead to the ships that sailed to tervinter.
He had been hunting down slavers ever since he left Kirkwall, and he'd been getting letters from Hawke, and when he got a letter he pay someone to read it for him.

He missed his friends in Kirkwall but he would never tell them that. Fenris sighed and set making sure to not leave a trail behind him.

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