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Anders awoke early that morning and after checking Fenris' health and making sure he was in a safe place, went out in search of injury kits and health potions. It started out like looking for a mabari in orlaie, but as Anders went back near where he found Fenris he saw heaps of dead body's mostly with their hearts ripped out.

"Fenris, you managed to kill..." Anders counted the dead bodies, "ten people single handedly without any weapons, I can't say I'm not impressed." Anders said quietly.

Anders searched the bodies and found three injury kits and five health potions on the dead people. He smiled to himself at his fortune and made off back to the cave.


When Anders got back Fenris was crouching over logs trying to start a fire, unsuccessfully. Fenris grunted in anger and threw away the two rocks he was holding. Then grunted in pain because he exsessive movement hurt his injuries.

"Harder to light fires when there's no Hawke around to throw fireballs at logs with his naked lady staff isn't it?" Anders commented behind Fenris.

"It is... Harder yes" Fenris admitted.
"Hey Fenris cheer up look what I brought you." Anders sang cheerfully as he pulled out a sharp looking needle.

Fenris turned around and grunted in pain as his wounds opened again.
Anders groaned internally and sat down next to Fenris.
"Let me see" Anders demanded.
Fenris turned distrustfully to Anders.
"No magic." Fenris stated
"No magic." Anders agreed.

Fenris lifted up his grey shirt and Anders other shirt that they used as a makeshift bandage.
"There are two cuts on you stomach that are fairly deep and another cut just under you left arm that is deeper than all your other cuts." Anders explained slowly, for some reason Anders explaining what he was doing put Fenris' mind at ease.

"Now I'm going to stitch these wounds up on your stomach, it's going to hurt but try not to move." Anders said. Fenris nodded and gritted his teeth and hissed as Anders carefully put the needle in the shallowest wound that Fenris had and started threading the skin back together.

Anders was concentrating so much on stitching Fenris' skin back together that he didn't notice Fenris' staring at him. Fenris looked at the abomination before him Anders' hair had grown out a little bit and he had tied it back just as sloppily as he used to do in Kirkwall, Anders had gotten more bags under his eyes if it was possible and his stubble was more scruffy and defined than the light one he had in Kirkwall.

When Anders finished sewing up Fenris' wound he silently mover to the next, and again when he was finished with the other wound. When Anders was finally fully finished he packed up his injury kits (or what was left of them) and stood up lazily.
"If any of the wounds get infected or opens up tell me and I'll fix it." Anders said plainly.

Fenris sat on the uncomfortable cave floor and watched Anders go, fasta vass I just let the... Abomination, touch me, Fenris thought to himself, it wasn't as if Anders had forced Fenris or anything, it was just, this was the Mage that Fenris swore if he ever saw again he would kill.

Fenris sighed and laid down, knowing he would have a restless sleep filled with horrific nightmares of daemons and his former master denarius. It took three hours for Fenris to go to sleep and when he finally drifted into a pleasant drowsiness, he was awoken by murmuring and strained cries.

Fenris looked over to find Anders curling in on himself and sobbing silently, Fenris looked closer to see that Anders was still asleep.
So the Mage had nightmares? deserves him right, Fenris mussed in his thoughts, Fenris wounded what the Mage could possibly have nightmares about when Anders started talking in his sleep.

"Please... No... Don't touch... Me." Anders cried quietly Fenris had never seen Anders in such a vulnerable state.
"Stop... Don't touch... Me.... Templars..." Fenris' ears perked up at the mages words of Templars, he had always heard of Anders' mages rights speech but never cared or listened to it properly to know that Templars would...

"!" Anders jolted awake, electric blue lines dancing across his skin like lightening in a storm.

"NO TEMPLAR SHALL HURT ANYONE EVER AGAIN I WILL HAVE JUSTICE I WILL HAVE VENGEANCE I WILL HAVE..." Justice stopped yelling as Fenris activated his lyrium tattoos and gazed at them as if in a trance.

"You... Sing like the fade... My home... You are a pretty singing elf. Mayhap's this is why Anders likes you " justice mused and then faded away, leaving a coughing sobbing Anders in his place, which in Fenris' opinion wasn't an improvement.

Anders again curled in on himself and sobbed, completely forgetting there was an angsty brooding elf sitting awkwardly two feet away from him.
"A...Anders?" Fenris questioned quietly, gently prodding he sobbing figure with his index.

"Don't touch me Templar!" Anders screamed his voice going high and clinging to himself desperately.

"Anders I am no Templar." Fenris whispered just loud enough for Anders to hear. Anders turned around and faced Fenris, his eyes were red and puffy and his face was smudged.

"F-Fenris?" Anders whispered in disbelief as if Fenris wasn't even there and he was just testing to check he wasn't insane. Then curled in on himself again, "did I ever tell you why I hate Templars so much?" Anders whispered almost to himself, Fenris considered the question carefully.
He had heard about Anders yelling about why mages deserved rights but he had never approached Anders and asked him why Templars were bad then agin Fenris didn't want justice or vengeance to come out.

"No you've... Never told me about your time in the circle." Fenris explained carefully.

"Do you want to know?" Anders asked sitting up and looking like a small mabari pup that had been kicked. Fenris didn't exactly want to hear anything from the Mage right now but looking at the sobbing wreck on the ground made him stop short

"Yes." After some hesitation Fenris answered simply.

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