Your touch that I crave,
The life that you completed,
Fights that made us strong,
Memories that made our beginning prolonged.Blurred lines that gave meaning,
Completion of each feeling,
Letting pain drift away in my dreams,
Letting the future be under our feet.The song was right after all:
"With our type of love,
Forever ain't enough,"
Lyrics can truly portray our endless love.Music's our way to each other,
Solving problems with every beat,
Letting pain vanish in its harmony,
Lyrics that never created an ending.
Heartless and Heartfelt
PoetryHad that part of your life that really sucks then it'll come back to normal again? Yeah.. I know you do. Life's just a fanFUCKINGtastic maze. *Note the sarcasm. There are things to deal with it, and my way of dealing with it is writing poems. You'll...