Chapter 1: Senior Year

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  The morning of my first day of senior year was not as exciting as I thought that it would be, freshman a rushing around to find there classes, new faces & old ones as well.

"Last Day of our first day back in high school." Chia said excitedly.

Chia is one of my oldest friends who I knew since our diaper days, our moms are best friends who are inseparable which forced us to become best friends.

"Thought you were off scoping for some newbies to bed hop." I replied to him.

"I was but none of them sparked my interest, so here I am standing here with you." He smiled.

"And yet, I still don't care." I replied continue walking down the hall.

"Someone's in a mood." He said standing behind me.

I was actually not in the to talk to  Chia at all because I was too busy trying to look for Jacob who was someone that I have been seeing over the summer.

"Hey, Tessa." Someone shouted.

I turned to see that it was one of my team mates from the cheerleading team. 

I waved back still on my mission to find Jacob.  Finally as I looked in the once before Science classroom I saw him standing facing his desk arranging some text books that was on top of his desk.

I walked in closing the door behind me tucking my hair behind my ear nervously. "So they stuck you in the Science room?" I asked.

He quickly turned catching my gaze then a huge smile flashed across his face as he walked over to me kissing me on my cheek.

"I missed you." He replied.

I smiled blushing a bit gazing at his gorgeous green eyes. My eyes caught the damp wetness along his arm pit area, " Did you run all the way to school this morning?" I asked pointing at his arm pit.

"Fuck!", he shouted. "I'm nervous as shit for my new class, I can't understand why I'm sweating this much."

"You'll do great I reassured. Just... Keep your arms down."

He rolled his eyes giving me a long lasting kiss on my lips. I pulled away biting my lip wanting more.

"Maybe I can make you a little more comfortable and a little less nervous." I smiled biting my lip giving Jacob my famous hungry eyes.

He wiped his table of all the books and supplies he had placed on the table leaving them spilled on the floor lifting me on top of the table.

"I have a class in about an hour." He said between kisses.

I pulled my plain white t shirt over my head throwing it to the ground pulling Jacob on top of me.

"First day back and you are already skipping classes."

My heart skipped a beat when Chia came up behind me scaring me half to death. "You know I scare easily. Why do you insist of sneaking up on me?"

"It's quite easy actually." He gazed at me from head to toe.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped.

"Who is he?" He asked.

"Your doing that think where you expect me to know what you're talking about."

"Your hairs all puffy and your clothes is all wrinkled. I've seen it all before, your having sex."

I stuttered a bit trying to get my words to come out. "No I'm not."

I quickly walked away before I could make it obvious that I was lying, I'm not the best liar.

I anticipated when I was going to see Chia again and what I was going to say to him to get him off my back but every time I go over my story it crashed and burned.

"Tessa, is my lesson boring you?" Jacob asked as I lifted my head from off the desk trying to look interested.

"N-no Jacob... I mean Mr Prescott."

The whole class laughed and oohed as Jacob tried to pretend I didn't just call him by his first name.

"Guess I'll be seeing you in detention after school." Jacob said continuing on with the lesson.

I felt embarrassed for both Jacob and myself, I basically just told everyone that Jacob and I were just having a student teacher relationship.

The bell rang the end of fourth period and everyone gathered their things making their way out to the class.

"Sorry Mr. Prescott. It won't happen again." I said jokingly."

"Just make sure you're here after school for detention." he said handing me pink slip.

I made my way out the door feeling Jacob's eyes following my ass. Sara was standing by the door waiting for me grabbing my hand pulling me down the hall.

"Did I just see Mr. McDreamy looking at your ass?"

"So, he's a guy he's allowed to look." I smiled.

"He's your teacher, I think that's called sexual harassment, you should tell someone."

I snatched my hand from Sara's. "I'm not a nark, and neither are you we should just keep this between us." I snapped.

"Fine, I was just trying to help!" Sara shouted behind me as I walked away.

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