Could We Burn, Darling?

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The day I had been dreading had creeped up on me. 

Reaping Day. 

I can't say I was the only one suffering, no one was prepared to hear their name being called from the colossal, grey, depressive stage. "Drew Woolnough" The pale woman's voice echoed around in my head. I couldn't bear the tension. Weeks I had spent pacing, losing sleep, not eating. I wasn't exactly a huge fan of tension - to say the least.

"Come on, Drew. You'll be fine. You're only on your second year, they won't choose you." I heard my mother's voice as she entered the room. I turned around and hugged her with shaky arms. "I love you" Tears started welling up in my eyes. "I love you, I love you, I love you" I kept repeating. I felt her shoulders tense as she held in a deep breath. She let it go "I love you too, Drew." I heard her breathe. I hesitantly let go of her and continued to dress myself.

"Welcome, welcome!" The woman cooed into the mic on stage. Her smile was so awry; nearly twisted. This was a day of welcoming death and she stared it right in the eyes, smiling as if it was her wedding day. My eyes narrowed as we made short eye contact. I saw death in her eyes. She had seen it all before. Thousands coming in, few coming out. It was sick.

I looked across to my mother who was waiting by the side with my little sister, Elsa Johanna. I forced a smile and a brave look. They smiled back and Elsa Johanna waved quickly. I waved back before turning away. I couldn't let her see me cry. I'm her big brother. She was going to have to experience this someday, I couldn't have her scared. I couldn't have her feeling the way I was feeling. Never.

The stadium was now full and we were all standing. The air was still, the tension was ringing in my ears, I couldn't breathe. The woman nonchalantly hovered her hand over the pieces of paper folded neatly in a large, transparent bowl. She dipped her hand into the pile and pull one single piece out as she walked back to her microphone. She opened it smoothly and cleared her throat. She smiled and licked her lips. "Sarah Willox" 

There was a loud cry from the sides. "NO" you could hear the pain in her voice, as it trickled down your spine. Her voice cut through the air like a bullet. "Don't take her please!" She continued. "SARAH" She screeched. I turned to see a girl who looked a few years younger than me being dragged towards the stage. "SARAH PLEASE" The woman must have been her sister, she was too young to be a mother. Sarah didn't say a word. She walked alongside the men, looking down at the floor with the most disconsolate frown I had ever seen. "SARAH!" She screamed even louder as her screams turned to cries. She fell to the floor as security dragged her dispirited body away. I turned back to the stage to find the woman beaming.

She laughed as she grabbed hold of Sarah. "You must be Sarah!" The other representatives on stage laughed along in their chairs after having witnessed the scene. "Well? Are you?" Her voice daggered down at the girl. "Yes." She said quietly, her face still expressionless. "..And was that your sister?" The woman said staring deep into Sarah's eyes. "Yes" She repeated, sounding more emotional this time. The woman laughed and slowly prodded her to the side.

"And now, for the boys!" She said with excitement and adrenaline seeping out of her mouth. She quickly grabbed a piece of paper this time and scurried back to the microphone.

"Drew Woolnough."

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