Dramatic You Say?

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I swallowed hard as what I heard sunk in.  

"Drew Woolnough" the voice echoed just like it did before, only this time it was real. It was happening. I took a breath and turned to my mother and Elsa Johanna. I gave them one last look and waved as I was accompanied to the stage.

"Drew Woolnough!" The woman said, her face beaming at me with more enthusiasm than before. Tears started to form in my eyes; god I was such a sucker with my emotions. "Tell us your story, Drew Woolnough!" I wanted her to stop repeating my name. It felt like reality piercing into my skin. "Well, come on boy, tell us!" She chirped loudly against my ear. "I-I'm a musician.." I could hear the other representatives laughing behind me. She looked awestruck for a second then continued speaking with enthusiasm. "A musician!" She pulled the microphone closer. "And how exactly did you plan on making a living off of music?" The representatives continued laughing. I looked out into the sea of people, faces of pity and desperation. "I think I'm good enough" I turned slowly back to the woman, her face still bright and happy. She giggled as she pushed me in the direction of the chairs where Sarah was. I was ushered over to sit by security guards. "Thank you all for attending. We hope to see you again next year" she finished up as the guards in the crowd started diverting people towards the exits. I watched closely as they left, row by row; section by section. I looked at my family for what felt like it would be the last time.

"Come on now dearies!" The woman's crisp voice sliced through the air. "It's time to go, come on!" She tugged at our arms as we walked in her direction, trying our best not to cut off our gazes with whoever we had left to gaze at. We were pulled through tall heavy doors and they shut behind us.

"My name is Nexa Willhouby and I am your district representative" she smiled. We stared at her with expressionless faces. She cleared her throat. "You are getting sent to a training center where you will spend two weeks learning how to protect yourself and survive. You will be among other tributes from other districts and most importantly - the careers." I turned to look at Sarah, who quickly looked down at the floor. "The careers are a group of tributes that voluntarily get chosen to enter The Hunger Games after years of training. They believe they are the strongest but you can beat them. I'm sure of it" she giggled. "If not, it'll be one heck of a show!" She said nudging my shoulder. I looked out the train window, trying not to think about death or violence but I knew I was going to die in this arena.

We arrived after what felt like an eternity of Nexa speaking at us on the train. We stepped into the training center to find other tributes in black suits, already holding weapons. "Tanner!" Nexa yelled over to another pale looking woman in high heels. She scurried over and gave her a cold hug. "Look look!" She said signaling us over. "Look at my tributes!" She laughed loudly. "Oh aren't they a stunning pair!" Tanner said lowering down to Sarah's height. "Aren't you cute." She spat at her before shifting her attention to me. "That hair colour." She analysed. "It's the exact same as my Barrone's hair" she laughed. "You guys must be related!" Nexa joined in, laughing with her. "Goodness, Tanner you're too funny!" She said hitting Tanner's arm lightly. I swallowed hard as I looked past her to see a group of tall, over-confident looking tributes. They must be the careers.

"BARRONE." Tanner sternly yelled over her shoulder. "Get over here." I saw the tallest one edge over. He looked me up and down and smirked.

"You'll be first gone."

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