Life's As Hollow As..

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Nexa and Tanner laughed as I watched Barrone walk back to the other Careers. I stood expressionless, then turned to Sarah who gave me a pitiful look. I looked back at Nexa and Tanner who were already deep into a new conversation.

"These are your choice weapons." A woman began to explain. "You have the choice of which weapons to use here, but you will not when you are in the arena." She picked up a spear and twisted it around as she spoke. "You will need to familiarize yourself with every single weapon if you want to survive, because this is The Hunger Games." She lunged forward and thrust the spear directly at the mannequin across the room. It made a thud as it landed right where it's heart would be. My eyes widened and I looked down. "Alright, let's go. Careers first."

They all picked up their spears and threw them flawlessly at the mannequin until Barrone was up. The room went silent, the air was still. He looked over at me and smirked. In one swift movement, he had thrown the spear at the mannequin, empaling it through the chest. "Well done, B" a girl from the Careers said as she rested her arm on his shoulder and tilted her head. She gave me a menacing look. Why was I jealous? Why was I imagining myself strangling her? I needed to push these feelings away. Barrone looked edgy. He didn't look at her, instead he walked away, leaving her stranded by the spears.

"I'd like to stab her with one of those.." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?!" Nexa beamed at me. "N-nothing!" I stuttered, looking up at her.

"Drew Woolnough" the trainer yelled at me. I walked up to the spears and picked up the smallest one. I heard murmured laughs to my right where I saw the Careers watching. I took a deep breath and looked down at the spear. "You can do it Drew.." I heard Sarah's quiet voice behind me. I took a deep breath and stared at the mannequin. I stepped back and raised the spear. The room stilled again as the Careers, the tributes and the instructors waited. I stopped looking at mannequin and focused my attention on Barrone who was staring at the mannequin in anticipation. I threw the spear and heard a thud. Barrone turned his attention to me, his mouth formed a smirk nearly as hollow as the mannequin's grin. I turned to see the spear through the mannequin's leg. My shoulders dropped and I looked down at the floor. "We'll work on that!!" Nexa said giggling as she pulled me away.

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